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Yeast and Cellular Respiration

Yeast and Cellular Respiration Lab Report

Directions: Follow the prompts below.

  1. Watch the following video.

Answer the following questions.

  • Describe the experimental setup.
  • What gas is being collected in the balloons?
  • Which solution (glucose, fructose, etc.) yielded the greatest reaction rate, and how do you know this?
  • Describe what is measured by the balloon volume. How does it correlate with yeast growth? Be specific.
  1. Go to:

Read through the Introduction and Key Concepts to get familiar with the background. Read the background in your Home Lab Manual as well.

  1. Use the following data for your Midterm Lab Report write up.

Follow the same guidelines for the report as if you completed the data on your own. You should also create a graph to illustrate the results:

BottleIndependent VariableBalloon Size (Partially filled, Filled, Greatly Filled, Not Filled)Yeast Growth (Small growth, Medium Growth, Large Growth, No Growth)
1No HeatPartialSmall
2Control 1FilledMedium
3Control 2FilledMedium
41/3 SugarPartialSmall
5No SugarPartialNo Growth
6Double SugarGreatLarge Growth


BottleIndependent VariableBalloon Volume (cm3)Yeast Growth (cm)
1No Heat7.84042
2Control 16.701312
3Control 26.63429
41/3 Sugar2.94853
5No Sugar7.84040
6Double Sugar11.492810


Last Updated on April 6, 2020

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