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Writing Assignment #2

Writing Assignment #2 Rubric

Complete the following on your own and in your own words:

Choose a health topic and conduct a google (or other search engine) search. You will then evaluate and analyze (in a written paragraph) 5 of the search returns that are not government sites.

For example, you cannot use the CDC or similar (.gov). Use the Evaluation Criteria in Chapter 9, in the section Evaluating Information on the Internet to evaluate each site.

This includes currency, relevance, authority, accuracy and purpose. Assign each site a 1-5 star rating, with 5 being the best (you are not ranking your sites 1-5, so they all might be ranked a 5 if you feel they deserve it) and why you ranked it as you did.

Your final paper will be one written paragraph per site, for a total of 5 paragraphs.

Response should be typed, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced with 1″ margins and a .Word .doc or .docx. Any sources you use should be cited as per APA guidelines. A rubric will be provided on Blackboard. This assignment is due on Blackboard by March 28th at 5:00 p.m.



CATEGORY ExcellentGoodFairPoor

(25 pts)

The responses provide relevant and specific details and these details are described thoroughly.The responses provide relevant details with good supporting details for the topic.The responses provide insufficient content and supporting details for the topic.The responses provide minimal to no content related to the topic.

(5 pts)

The responses are very well organized. Ideas flow in a logical sequence with clear transitions.The responses are pretty well organized. Some ideas seem out of place. Good transitions are used.The responses are hard to follow. The transitions are sometimes not clear.Ideas seem to be randomly arranged, making the responses impossible to follow.

(5 pts)

All of the requirements (typed, font, spacing, APA format, citations) were met.Almost all (about 75%) the requirements were met.Some (about 50%) of the requirements were met, but many were not.Many requirements were not met.
Conventions (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation)

(5 pts)

There are 0-1 spelling, grammar or punctuation errors in the assignment.There are 2-4 spelling, grammar or punctuation errors in assignment.There are 5-7 spelling, grammar and punctuation errors in the assignment.There are more than 8 spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
Overall Effort

(10 pts)

Sentence structures are varied and language is precise; there are no run-on sentences or fragments.


The assignment is completed in a thoughtful and reflective manner by the student; college-level quality effort is evident.

Some varied sentence structures with precise language; there are 1-2 run-on sentences or fragments.


The assignment is completed in a thoughtful manner overall but some college-level effort seems to be lacking.

Limited variety of sentences and language is simplistic or limited; there are 3-5 run-on sentences or sentence fragments.


The assignment lacks college-level effort and is completed haphazardly.

Limited variety of sentences and language is simplistic or limited; there are 6 or more run-on sentences or sentence fragments.


No college-level effort is made to complete the assignment as required.


Last Updated on March 28, 2019

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