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Working With Database Indexes, Views, and Users

You can use database indexes to improve the performance of database operations. Database views allow you to define virtual tables containing exactly the data that you need for a specific situation. Standard SQL supports these techniques.

One of a DBA’s primary responsibilities is to create and manage database user accounts and to grant or revoke access privileges as needed. Users should be able to access or modify only those parts of the database that they need to perform their jobs.

You will use the Employee and Department tables you created previously. Create, run, and test SQL queries to display each set of information. Save a copy of your queries in a Microsoft Word document.

Include a screen shot to verify the successful completion of each SQL command. Each Screen shot must be preceded by a comment that includes the student’s name, the instructor’s name, and the date the command was executed.

SQL>/* Student: Yatavia Summers Instructor: Michael Collins Date: date the command was executed */

Note: Don’t forget the /* and */ at the start and end of the command to make it into a comment!!

The screen shot must include the SQL command and the output from the command. Include one screen shot per item. The screen shots must be well formatted and the output easily readable. Points may be subtracted from the total score for poor presentation of the assignment material.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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