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Wk 6 Policy and Clinical Practice

The application of public policy provides guidance and standardizes health care practices affecting patient care. Students will analyze how public policy is interpreted in their chosen setting. This assignment provides students with comprehension of how organizations address gaps between public policy and clinical practice.

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Wk 6 Policy and Clinical Practice

Review the AHRQ Gap Analysis Instructions. (See attached, Wk 6 Gap Analysis)

Write a 1,750-word APA-formatted paper in which you:

  • Describe a public policy that has an effect on your practice or on the problem you are working on. (Long Term Care, Health Care Acquired Infections, Handwashing)
  • Analyze the gap that exists between the organization and chosen public policy.
    • Complete a gap analysis on your selected problem and public policy using the Quality Indicators Toolkit from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
  • Evaluate the patient care and organizational consequences of the existing gap (e.g., lack of licensure, decreased reimbursement for care, fines, patient dissatisfaction, and reputation).
  • Analyze the chosen measure(s) (solution) the organization has implemented to close the existing gap.
    • Identify the toolkit that the organization chose as a guideline for success (e.g., EBP, Joint Commission standards).
    • Provide the timeline for completion.
    • Propose the responsible personnel who will ensure the gap closes.
    • Evaluate existing barriers to a successful implementation.
    • A review of these organizations’ websites will provide helpful examples:
      • The Joint Commission Performance Measurement
      • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
        • For Professionals – Hospitals and Health systems
        • For Policymakers
      • U.S. National Library of Medicine
      • National Institutes of Health
      • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
      • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services – Regulations & Guidance
Grading Criteria: Policy and Clinical Practice
Content: 14 points possiblePoints possiblePoints earned
Described a public policy that has an effect on the student’s practice or the problem they are working on.2
Analyzed the gap that exists between the organization and chosen public policy.4
Evaluated the patient care and organizational consequences resulting from the existing gap.4
Analyzed the chosen measure(s) (solution) the organization has implemented to close the existing gap.4
Format: 1 points possiblePoints possiblePoints earned
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, APA formatting1

AHRQ Quality Indicators Toolkit
Gap Analysis
What is this tool? The purpose of the gap analysis is to provide project teams with a format in
which to do the following:
Compare the best practices with the processes currently in place in your organization.
Determine the “gaps” between your organization’s practices and the identified best
Select the best practices you will implement in your organization.
Who are the target audiences? The project liaison will be the primary individual to prepare
this written gap analysis, but the entire improvement project team should be engaged in
performing the gap analysis.
How can the tool help you? Upon completion of the gap analysis, project teams will have the
An understanding of the differences between current practices and best practice.
An assessment of the barriers that need to be addressed before successful implementation
of best practices.
How does this tool relate to others? Information from the Self-Assessment (Tool A.3) about
the readiness of the hospital to perform quality improvement for the Quality Indicators can be
considered in the gap analysis as possible strengths or weaknesses (i.e., barriers) to be managed
when implementing improvements. The best practice elements defined in the
Selected Best
Practices and Suggestions for Improvement
(Tool D.4) are prefilled in the gap analysis tool.
This provides the elements for the
Implementation Plan (Tool D.6).
1. List the expected evidence-based best practice in Column 1.
2. In Column 2, list all the steps associated with the best practice process.
3. In Column 3, document your organization’s practices and describe how they differ from each
best practice element. Be specific and include information such as policies, protocols,
guidelines, and staffing.
4. In Column 4, identify barriers that may hinder successful implementation of each best
practice strategy. Consider systems, procedures, policies, people, equipment, etc.
5. In Column 5, indicate whether your organization will implement the best practice strategy. If
not, explain why.
6. Repeat steps 2-4 for each best practice.
Tool D.5
AHRQ Quality Indicators Toolkit
Gap Analysis Tool
Project: Best Practice:
Individual Completing This Form:

Best Practice Best Practice Strategies How Your Practices Differ From Best Practice Barriers to Implementation Best Practice Practice Will Implement (Yes/NoBest ; why

Tool D.5

Wk 6 Policy and Clinical Practice
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Last Updated on February 14, 2019

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