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Windows Virtual Install Option

Virtual Install Option for CMIT 369


Many people prefer to have hands-on experience installing and setting up servers in order to ensure that they understand the concepts. For this project you will download VMware Player, Virtual Box, or use Hyper –v to build a Windows Server 2016 virtual machine. You may also use Azure, Microsoft’s cloud solution. If you use Azure, please destroy the VM at the end of the project so you are not charged.

Windows Virtual Install Option Scenario

Company “Tech2much” recently experienced a network intrusion and, unfortunately, some of their data was stolen. There was also critical data that was destroyed and they were not able to recover it from backup. Company “Tech2much” was using a managed service provider to do there IT infrastructure. The executive committee has decided that they no longer want to use managed services and they will move forward with an in-house IT team.

Your UMUC resume has landed you as one of the top three candidates for the position. However, the other two people in contention for this position are also UMUC alumni. The company wants to move forward with a network administrator who has knowledge of Windows Server 2012 and/or 2016, Active Directory, PowerShell, and the Windows command line. They have set up a test environment where all three of you will be tested.

They aren’t just looking for someone who can get the server and Active Directory installed correctly (although that is a critical component). They need someone who can go through the steps and explain what they’re doing so that way they will be able to help some of the junior staff. In this assignment you will follow the guidelines so you can show the “Tech2much” company that you are the most qualified candidate for the position. Good luck and I hope you land the job!

Windows Virtual Install Option Topics to Cover

Consider the following in completing this assignment (if you choose not to use Microsoft Azure):

  • You need administrative rights on your computer)
  • You need sufficient disk space (at least 30 GB free)
  • You need a decent amount of memory (at least 8 GB of RAM)

In week 1, you were required to email your instructor and ask for access for VMware Workstation and Windows Server OnTheHub site. If you did not, you may still use:

  • Oracle Virtual Box (free)
  • VMware Player (free)
  • Hyper-V (available on Windows 8.1 and 10 (not Windows 7) -free
  • Azure (If you use Azure, please destroy the VM at the end of the project so you are not charged.)
  • You can get an evaluation copy of Windows 2016 server here:

After the install is complete, name the computer yourfirstname-PC, for example JOHN-PC and take a screenshot of the computer name.

Install Active Directory and name the domain, for example: JOHN.COM.

As an option, you can install active directory through PowerShell. Just take screenshots and add sufficient descriptions. You should label each screenshot. For example, Figure 1.1 Installing Active Directory. Once installed, you should conduct appropriate post-installation tasks. These include:

  1. Use PowerShell to demonstrate some commands (If you installed Active Directory using PowerShell, then you have already met the requirement for step 1).
  2. Use the Windows Command Prompt to demonstrate some of the Windows commands, for example ‘net user.’
  3. Install Internet Information Service (IIS) and set up a website that says your name on the page. Browse to and demonstrate the successful connection to the yourname site.
  4. Install Chrome and Firefox on your Windows Server VM.

Submission Requirements

Once you’ve completed these tasks, write a report that documents the steps you followed in installing the Windows Server, detailing which version you installed as well as the post-installation steps you completed. Provide screens shots for each command (more than 1 screenshot many be needed to demonstrate some of the commands). For screenshots, you can use the snipping tool in Windows. Be sure to include a comprehensive summary, references, and a cover page for your report.

This is a great opportunity for you to learn and have fun doing so!


Last Updated on March 8, 2019

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