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Why Small Business is a Catalyst for Societal Change: Essay

Write an essay (450 words)

Question 1: (150 words)

  1. Why Small Business is a Catalyst for Societal Change, give an example.
  2. When determining the population, what questions should a small business owner answer to?

Question 2: (150 words)

  1. Starting a new business is often the result of a specific event or situation within an individual’s environment. List four events that can trigger a new business.
  2. List the “traditional” elements that help the company establish its legitimacy and explain the importance of legitimacy for the new business.

Question 3: (150 words)

  1. List some ways to advertise for a job to attract a large group of applicants
  2. List the elements that should be included in the application (CV) to apply for the position.

Last Updated on January 24, 2021

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