Research Project
Training and Development
Many of the concepts covered in this course are best learned when applied or observed in real life organizations. The research project is an applied case assignment that will help students to use higher-order intellectual skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The project is based on experiential learning theory. The purpose is to reinforce understanding of the theories/concepts and connecting them with real situations.
Research project should include a brief description of a problem/opportunity facing an organization with respect to its Training and Development practices, at a point in time and provide the rationale for a recommended course of action. The main purposes of the assignment are to identify and define the problem(s) /opportunities facing the organization; utilize theories and concepts learned in this course to analyze the situation to identify and understand the boundaries and constraints; generate realistic alternatives, to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and the consequences of decisions; recommend a course of action; and develop an implementation plans. While doing the research project, you may find some key pieces of information missing, but this is a part of reality. Management decisions are never made on the basis of complete information.
The following steps are a suggested framework. You can modify them as necessary.
- Obtain sufficient background information about the organization relevant to the case, including but not limited to the following:
- Overview of the organization (type of industry, organization structure, etc.)
- HR policies, training and development policies, etc.
Training and Development Research
(This is the first section of your research project. It introduces the organization. This section of the paper should be about half a page.)
- The purpose of the research project is to include a brief description of a problem/opportunity facing an organization with respect to its training and development practices. The issue must be real and not imaginary. In writing this section, consider the following:
What is/are the training and development issue(s) in the case?
- Identify the issue(s) in a couple of sentences. This is short and concise.
- Briefly, in your own words provide rationale, why you think this is important?
- How the HR policies are related to the issue under investigation.
(This is the second section of your research project. It sets the stage for your analysis. This section of the paper should be one half to one page.)
- Next collect information to analyze the issue or problem. You may research the company using “grey literature” pertaining to the organization, published academic or trade literature, and/or popular media coverage or you may gather information first-hand from a person working in the organization.
To gather first-hand information, try to use your personal contacts to request an interview with someone who deals with Training and Development related issues in the organization. This may be a manager, supervisor, employee, or owner. You may interview more than one person from the same company, who have been involved in related issues, for additional insights.
The person(s) you are interviewing must be willing to cooperate with you on this project. You need informed consent from the person(s) involved and you must provide the name, designation, and email address of the person and include it in the report as Appendix A.
In writing this section, consider the following:
- What are/ were the circumstances leading to the issue/problem?
- What training and development related concepts are relevant to the issue?
- What are/were possible consequences of the issue/problem?
- Who are the important stakeholders involved in the issue/ problem? So far, who has been harmed and who has gained benefit?
(This is the third section of your research project. This section of the paper should be one to two pages)
- In the fourth section, provide alternative courses of action to remedy the problem/issue.
In writing this section, consider the following:
What are the alternative courses of action to remedy the problem that you have identified? Who must act in each alternative?
- Provide three distinct alternatives for the most important issue that you identify in Section 2.
- The three alternatives should address a range of actions about that one issue only.
- The same person or entity should be the “actor” in all three alternatives.
- For each alternative, thoroughly evaluate the alternatives, their outcomes, and their possible effects on all of the parties involved. (Ask yourself, do these alternatives solve the issue you identified in section 2)?
- Be sure to state how your alternatives are supported by relevant concepts/ theories.
(This is a major part of your paper and requires you to consider all of the possibilities and their effects on the stakeholders. It should be approximately three to four pages.)
- In this section, make a specific recommendation based on your analysis of the issue/ problem.
Consider the following in writing this section:
- Your recommendation should be one of the three alternatives that you have proposed. Use supporting data (e.g., important facts, analysis of alternatives, and key concepts studied in the course) to argue why your recommendation is the best alternative.
- Merely stating your opinion without supporting data (e.g., important facts, analysis of alternatives, and key concepts studied in the course) is not a recommendation.
- Does your recommendation provide a reasoned solution to the issue(s) you identified in Section 2?
(This part of your paper should be at least one page.)
- When you finish writing, leave yourself time to stand back from your report so you can get some perspective on it. Read the whole thing through again, making notes before you start the conclusion[1]. Consider the following:
- Conclusion must link to the restof the report.
- Highlight the significant elementsfrom the report and draw out the main points you want to make about the topic – and make them at a general level.
- Avoid introducing new material.
(This part of your paper should be maximum half a page.)
Other considerations:
You are expected to consult a variety of sources that go beyond the text book and lecture materials to find information on your chosen topic, including a description of the issue addressed and its relevance to training and development and organization. Proper referencing of your sources is required (American Psychological Association -APA format).
Your Report should not exceed 10 typed pages (excluding cover page and reference page), double spaced with 1 inch margins, 12 font size. Repot exceeding the page limit is subject to 20%-mark reduction. Report must be stapled.
Late assignments will not be accepted or graded. Be sure to allow time for unanticipated issues (e.g., computer lab breakdowns, printer jams, a team member falling sick, and other issues).
Use the guidelines presented in Table 1 to plan your written work.
Table 1: Research Project Evaluation Criteria
Topic | Description | Points (75) |
Organizational overview | · Does the section provide insightful details about the organization? | 2.5 |
Issue/ problem identification | · Does the reportascertain an appropriate training and development related challenge and establishes why it is it a problem? | 7.5 |
Issue/ problem Analysis | · Does the writer present pertinent facts about the issue? · Does the report establish a coherent link between the circumstances leading to the problem? · Are the possible consequences of the problem specified? · Does the description identify important stakeholders involved in the issue/ problem? So far, who has been harmed and who has gained benefit? · Does the report make good use of the concepts/ theories to identify and explain the problem? | 20.0 |
Alternatives | · Does the report clearly identify the three alternatives to resolve the issue (The three alternatives must address a range of actions about that one issue only) · Does the writer thoroughly evaluate the alternatives, their outcomes, and possible effects on all of the parties involved? · At an appropriate level, does the writer analyze and synthesize theory/practice to in conceptualizing the alternatives? | 20.0 |
Recommendations & Conclusion | · Does the writer provide a recommendation and rationale for the recommendation? · Is the overall quality of the recommendations practical? · Does the report provide an appropriate conclusion? | 12.5
Research and reference | · Does the report demonstrates conducting thorough research? (i.e. journal articles and other accessible resources). · Does the report use APA format for in-text citations and references? | 7.5 |
Overall Writing Style | · Is the report organized in a clear and professional manner with appropriate headings and subheadings? · Is the report error free in terms of sentence structure, grammar, and spellings? · Is the writing style clear and concise? | 5.0 |
[1] This section is copied from Monash University’s learning support resources. Retrieved from: (Accessed on March 10, 2017).