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Towards a Conceptual Framework: Organizational Change

You have studied the various frameworks for change management in this subject.  Rethinking organizational change: Towards a conceptual framework is what you should read next. To assist practitioners in creating a more balanced approach to change management, this research suggests a conceptual framework that combines the macro environment (changes at the industry level) with changes at the organizational level.

Consider the macro environment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia using this strategy.


Which of the six change management methods do you believe would work best in the corporate climate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and why?

Consider an application at the industry level based on a business in a sector of the Kingdom’s economy that you are familiar with.


Describe the business in general and offer details about the organization’s purpose, vision, values, sector, etc.


How might this firm profit from the authors’ proposed macro level approach to change management?

Which of the six models would you choose to support this study at the macro and micro levels?

The following criteria should be satisfied by your response:

be 4-5 pages long, excluding the title and reference pages, which are never included in the definition of content.

Apply APA style conventions and requirements for academic writing.

At least three scientific, peer-reviewed journal articles and the concepts, theories, and other course-related information from the textbook should be used to support your proposal.

Requirements: be 4-5 pages long, excluding the title and reference pages, which are never included in the definition of minimal content.

Last Updated on September 21, 2022

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