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Theories of Motivation and Affect & Issues of Motivation

Moreno, R. (2010). Educational psychology. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

  • Chapter 1: Educational Psychology: Becoming an Effective Classroom Teacher
  • Chapter 2: Understanding Diversity in the Classroom

Part A-

Theories of Motivation and Affect

Part 1: 300 words between both Describe and analyze an episode of learning from the perspective of guided motivation and affect. The episode of learning may be one that you experienced or one that you observed. The episode of learning may have been successful or unsuccessful.

Part 2: Provide convincing evidence that a perspective between Motivation and Affect provides the most appropriate frame, because of what was to be learned, how the learning environment was organized, etc.

Part B-750 words

Issues of Motivation – Case Analysis

Read and thoroughly examine the case study on pages 350-51 of your textbook (Moreno, 2010). Then analyze the case using the questions below:

Step 1: Identification. Identify and briefly describe the main issues in the classroom Then answer the following question-Which student/teacher/administrator/parent behaviors are likely to have an impact on the student’s development, learning, motivation, classroom behaviors, and/or assessment and why?

Step 2: Evaluation. Evaluate the teacher’s decision-making process in the case by describing the pros and cons of her actions. Then answer the following question: Are the teacher’s strategies likely to overcome the development, learning, motivation, classroom behaviors, and/or assessment challenges identified in step 1 and why or why not?

Step 3: Solution. Describe alternative strategies you would use in the case with a corresponding rationale based on what you know from educational psychology and research. Then answer the following question: Are there any alternative strategies that can be used to overcome the development, learning, motivation, classroom behavior, and/or assessment challenges identified in step 1 and why?

Part C-

Guided Project

You will develop ways to implement all that you have learned in the readings for the course by responding to each of the 8 questions which are designed to allow you to bring in aspects of educational psychology and evidence-based theoretical practice into your classroom teaching to become a more effective teacher. Each response should be a minimum of 200 words using APA style writing at least 1 source for each question.

  1. Identify and relate instruction to students’ interests. Learners are more motivated by activities that appeal to their personal needs, goals, and interests.
  2. How does a teacher use modeling for intrinsic motivation? Teachers who explain the rationale for engaging in an activity and model their own enjoyment usually have students who are more intrinsically motivated.
  3. How does the teacher use rewards appropriately, given that research suggests a teacher should minimize the use of rewards? Tangible rewards should be used sparingly, unexpectedly, and only when intrinsic motivation is absent.
  4. Describe ways to use praise carefully. Praise should not be overused and needs to be genuine and accessible to all students to become a motivator for learning.
  5. Discuss how to give students autonomy in their learning. Promote intrinsic motivation by allowing students to participate in the selection of classroom rules and the tasks that they engage in.
  6. Describe ways to reinforce increasing competence. Help students develop self-determination and self-efficacy by setting proximal, moderately challenging, meaningful goals.
  7. Discuss how the teacher can show caring without showing favoritism. Help students become self-actualized and satisfy their need for belonging by showing unconditional positive regard.
  8. Choose from a variety of techniques to motivate students and report on at least two which you believe will work for you. Use a repertoire of motivational strategies and consider student age and other diversity factors when choosing motivators.

Moreno, R. (2010). Educational psychology. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

  • Chapter 1: Educational Psychology: Becoming an Effective Classroom Teacher
  • Chapter 2: Understanding Diversity in the Classroom

Personal, Social, Moral, and Self Development

Part 1: 300 words between both parts Describe and analyze an episode of learning regarding a student’s personal, social, moral, or development of self. The episode of learning may be one that you experienced or one that you observed. The episode of learning may have been successful or unsuccessful.

Part 2: Provide convincing evidence that a sociocultural or critical perspective provides the most appropriate framework, because of what was to be learned, how the learning environment was organized, etc.

Part B-

Using Sociocognitive and Constructivist Principles in the Classroom – Case Analysis

Read and carefully examine the case study provided in your textbook on pages 324-25 (Moreno, 2010). Then answer the following questions based on an understanding of theories of sociocognition and constructivism. Your answers should be in a minimum of 4-5 complete sentences and fully answer the question being asked.

  1. Was there evidence of modeling in this case? If so, what type of modeling?
  2. Which sociocognitive and constructivists principles were applied and how?
  3. Which components of the self-regulation cycle did the students display?
  4. Did the teacher demonstrate an awareness of students’ diversity?
  5. Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the lesson according to sociocognitive and constructivist views of learning by including both strengths and weaknesses of doing so.

Part c-

Sociocognitive and Constructivists Views

For week 4, In a minimum of 500 words with at least 2 sources, discuss the Sociocognitive and constructivists views of learning and how to apply these theories in the classroom.

Last Updated on August 21, 2023

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