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The Water Resources Impact on The Coal Industry in The US

The Water Resources Impact on The Coal Industry in The US

20 references ( at least five books, at least five articles, no more than five internet sources ) all the references must be from the last ten years.


I. Introduction:

A. Importance of water resources impact on the coal industry in the US.

B. Need of the coal industry in the US.

C. Need of the water resources in the US.

D. To solve the water resources impact on the coal industry.

II. Brief Review of Literature:

A. Sources related to the coal industry.

B. Sources related to the water resources.

C. Need of the research.

III. Body (Arguments):

A. The Importance required of the coal industry in the US.

1. Evidence.

2. Evidence.

3. Counter-claim.

B. The Importance required of the water resources in the US.

1. Evidence.

2. Evidence.

3. Evidence.

C. How to combine the need for clean water resources in the US and the need of coal?

1. Evidence.

2. Evidence.

IV. Conclusion:

A. Importance of water resources impact on the coal industry in the US.

B. To solve the water resources impact on the coal industry.

The Water Resources Impact on The Coal Industry in The US

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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