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The Hydrologic Cycle, Water Resources, and Society

The Hydrologic Cycle, Water Resources, and Society.

  • Determine your water footprint by documenting how much water you use each day
    • Using the National Geographic water footprint calculator. (done)
    • By keeping track of your water use for five days and averaging the value per day
    • Compare the results from a. and b. and describe how the values differed or were similar.Specifically address how the water footprint calculator defines water use compared to how you were defining water use.
    • Describe what you could do differently to conserve water.
    • Describe the implications on the environment (Water quality and quantity) if everyone living and working in the following geographic areas started to conserve water (describe in terms of short term – this month/year and long term – over five years or ten years or longer).You may need to research more information on where raw water comes from and how the water is used.
      • City of Brookings
      • Big Sioux Watershed
      • Missouri River basin
      • Gulf of Mexico
  • Choose a watershed and use it as the basis for question 1.e.
  • Pick one type of water use (agricultural, industrial, domestic, municipal, etc.) and research how much water is used (consumptive and non-consumptive) for a particular region.

The Hydrologic Cycle, Water Resources, and Society.

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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