The European Union and NAFTA
Project description
Considering the socio-political background of the EU and NAFTA , TAFTA
– 5 types pages(double-spaced)
– save as .doc
– margins should be set at 2.54 cm from the all sides
– Font: Time New Roman
– Size: title(14 points)and subtitles (12 points) are in bold. Body text (12 points) and footnotes (10 pounts) are not in bold.
– Footnotes , restricted to references that do not normally fit in the text, are placed ar the bottom of the page.
– All abbreviations or acronyms must be explained in full at least once in the document
– References (e.g. authors) in the text are placed in brackets.
– A bibliography or list of references must be indicated in alphabetical order at the end of the assignment (Harvard References)