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Teeing Up a New Strategic Direction


Based on the content for week 4, we continue working on the case study ” NCRCC: Teeing Up a New Strategic Direction”.

Go to the survey attached to the case study:

  1. From studying chapter 12 content, and reading the case study survey, then select randomly five questions from the survey and identify the type of measurement scale (chapter 12) used in each question. Suggest using a chart in your response.
  2. From studying chapter 13, then select three open-ended questions, three closed questions, and three measurement questions from the survey. Suggest using the following chart:
Open-endedFor instance:

(1) Please, provide any comments and suggestions you may have regarding the future direction of the club.



Closed questions(1)



Measurement questions(1)



  1. From studying chapter 13, and reading the case study content,then evaluate the effectiveness of the measurement questions (chapter 13) used in the survey. There are three issue categories (Exhibit 13-5, pages 325-338) to measure how effective the measurement questions are. Select randomly two measurement questions from the survey, and evaluate them for each category. After evaluating the questions, comment on its effectiveness as a question. Suggest using the following chart:
Issue CategoryFundamental Issue
Question one:


Question two:
Question contentYESNoYesNo
Purposeful versus interesting
Incomplete and unfocused
Double-barreled question
Time for thought
Participation at the expense of accuracy
Presumed knowledge
Recall and memory decay
Sensitive information
Question Wording  
Shared vocabulary
Unsupported assumption
Frame of reference
Biased wording
Personalization vs. projection
Adequate alternatives
Response Strategy Choice  
Objective of the study
Level of information
Thoroughness of prior thought
Communication skill
Participant motivation

After reading the Chapters 14 (Sampling), 15 (Analysis and Presentation of Data) and, 16 (Exploring, displaying and examining data), answer the questions below.

  1. Go to cases and click on “Campbell-Ewald Pumps Awareness into the American Heart Association case”. Then, once you have read the case answer questions 2 and 3 from the case. Answer the questions in APA style.
  2. Assume the following:

2.1. A lakefront resort is planning for its summer busy season. It wishes to estimate with 95% confidence the average number of nights each guest will stay for a consecutive visit. Using a sample of guests who stayed last year, the average number of nights per guest is calculated at 5 nights. The standard deviation of the sample is 1.5 nights. The size of the sample used is 120 guests and the resort desires a precision of plus or minus .5 nights. What is the standard error of the mean in the lakefront resort example?  Within what range below can the resort expect with 95% confidence for the true population means to fall? Show the calculation; otherwise, the answer will not be accepted.

2.2.  A local restaurant is planning a study on demand for meals over holiday weekends. In calculating the desired sample size for the study, the restaurant’s researcher decides to use a rule-of-thumb calculation for estimating the population dispersion. If the range of meals in the study is 0 to 30, what standard deviation does the rule-of-thumb method produce? Show the calculation; otherwise, the answer will not be accepted.

2.3.  A microbrewery plans to conduct a study on beer consumption among men between the ages of 29 and 45. A pilot test indicated that men in this age category consume an average of 6 beers per week with a standard deviation of 2.3. If the microbrewery seeks a 95% confidence level and a precision of .5 beers, what size sample should be used in the study?  Show the calculation; otherwise, the answer will not be accepted.

  1. Go to cases and click on “Mastering Teaching Leadership case”. This exercise is a data analysis assignment. Then, once you have read the case and analyzed the survey’s results, follow the steps shown below:
    1. To get the survey’s results excel file go to, go to “Additional materials related to cases”, copy and paste the “Mastering teaching leadership excel file” in your computer, then open the file.
    2. The file shows the results obtained from applying the survey which appears at the end of the case: Pick five questions from the survey, and build a frequency table for each question, along with either a pie chart or a bar chart (should you need assistance in using Data analysis in excel, contact me please). See chapter16 on page 431 to review the concepts.
    3. Go to page 444 and study “Cross-Tabulation” technique. Then, go to the case’s survey, and select any two of the variables (questions) in the survey. Go to the excel file, click on pivot table function (upper left corner under “Insert” tab), and cross the two variables selected by you by using the pivot table function. To know how to use the pivot table in Excel, click on the link  from YouTube and learn from it. Repeat the same on the excel file with the two variables selected by you previously, and obtain the result.

Once you have followed the steps aforementioned, do the following: Analyze the results obtained from steps 2 and 3, craft an executive report (Google “how to write down an executive report”) based on your findings from step 2 and 3. Do not forget to include the management question from the Mastering Teaching Leadership case.

Last Updated on June 3, 2023

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