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Taking a Stand on Tech in Your Life


For this essay, you will work on an expository argument paper that is supported by research on a current issue in technology.


  1. Write a 1200+ word argument essay that discusses whether we should fear the rise of technology or are the critics of tech creating unnecessary hysteria?
  2. Write a 1200+ word argument essay that addresses the question: Do you think we should embrace or fear AI technology in the workplace? Why/why not?
  3. Write a 1200+ word argument essay that addresses the question: Do you think there should be stricter laws against Social Media and Websites collecting & selling “big data” on you? Why/Why not?
  4. Write a 1200+ word argument essay that addresses the question: Should the Universal Declaration of Human Rights extend to robots or AI? Why/Why not?
  5. Write a 1200+ word argument essay that addresses the question: Do you think tech companies have a responsibility to create environmentally conscious products? Why/why not?
  6. Pick a topic you find interesting to take an argumentative stance on

Project Requirements and Breakdown

  1. Must be at least 1200 words
  2. Must contain 3 quotes from our class texts(TED talks, Descender, or any of the articles read in class)

  1. Must contain 3 outside sources
  2. Must follow MLA in-text and Works Cited formulas
  3. Should contain all the elements of an Essay
  4. Have a Topic + Comment Thesis
  5. Have a rebuttal
  6. Say something new on the topic or bring a new perspective to the topic


Last Updated on December 1, 2019

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