Formatting Notes:
- Choose a font style and size that can be read without causing undue eyestrain.
- Use 1.5 or 2 line spacing
- Be thorough enough to answer each question, but also strive to be concise. I estimate this assignment can be completed in 2 – 3 pages. Please DO NOT exceed4 pages.
- As always remember to use APA formatting for in-text citations and for your reference list.
- Structure your paper in a manner that makes it easy to tell that you have addressed each question. You may use subheadings, question numbers, or copy/paste the questions for this purpose. Subheadings are my preference.
- I encourage the use of bullet pointed lists, tables, and figures where appropriate – these can be great ways to summarize information in an appealing format.
Choose a publicly-traded company which you find interesting and complete the following assignment based on that company.
- Using the library databases find a SWOT analysis for your company. SWOT analyses by Marketline can be found in Business Source Complete for most publicly-traded companies. Use the most recent one available.
- Paste the graphic representation of the SWOT analysis into your paper (use a citation for the source of the figure).
- Provide a critique of the SWOT analysis. Do the items listed in each section seem specific to that company or do they seem like they could be generically applied to most companies? Are there additional items that you feel should have been included in any of the areas? Often the most recent SWOT analyses available are around 2 years old; have recent events or developments led to changes in any of the factors listed? Please support your responses with additional research about the company and its industry.
- TIP: If you are willing to continue working with the same company, the information you gather for this assignment can also be used for your final assignment.