Research Project
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Summative Assessment Research Project: 60 pts.
Directions on Project:
Your instructor will provide information about project topics, scope of work, and submission requirements. Review scoring rubric for project to aid in the construction and organization of the project. Listed below are potential guidelines your instructor MAY follow.
Guidelines on Graduate Project
Following are the guidelines for a graduate project. Apart from these guidelines, your instructor may also suggest guidelines and instructions as required during the course of the graduate project.
Selecting a Topic
Choose a project on a topic of your interest related to your subject of study. The idea for a project may come from your own curiosity, from your coursework, interactions with colleagues, faculty members, and general observation. Explore the idea; examine its significance and feasibility. Go through the existing projects on similar topics.
Conduct a preliminary research on the idea. Review the relevant literature. Examine the gap areas in research and identify issues you want to address. The idea should be new or must add significant value to the existing projects. Prepare a rough outline of project proposal you would like to submit. Discuss the topic and draft project proposal with your project coordinator, exchange ideas and incorporate suggestions. Conduct further research on the topic. Make a detailed proposal. In the project proposal you should:
- Introduce the topic
- Explain your rationale for selecting the project
- Describe significance of the project
- State the objective of the project and project outline
- Describe the methodology to be adopted
- State the timeline for the project completion
- Include references
- Finalize the proposal with your instructor by week five (specific instructors may vary that date)
Working on the Project
On approval of the project, you should start working on your project. It is recommended you do this prior to the 5 week of the course, but speak with your instructor to clarify dates. Limit your research to the approved proposal. You have to complete your project within the stipulated deadlines. Plan your project accordingly While meeting the executives of a company in relation to your project, make sure you have appropriate approvals and request letters from the concerned university department. Make sure your instructor approves questionnaires designed for any survey in relation to the project.
You must use any data collected in course of the research, only for the approved project. You must not share collected information with other candidates. Make notes of key points during the course of research. It would save lot of time in preparation of project report. Make sure all relevant journals, magazines, papers and books are available in the university library. Please check with the library information desk for information on resources, currently not available with the library. Analysis is the most critical part of the project and forms basis for all findings. Make sure you make use of appropriate statistical tools in analysis. Take guidance of your project coordinator during the analysis. Do validate your findings with your project coordinator.
Writing a Project Report
Review the style guidelines for project report The project report should not exceed 7,000 words Abstract should be between 150-250 words Select A4 size; page orientation should be portrait. Specify “1” margin on all sides. Number all pages consecutively. Start every chapter on a new page. Provide double spacing You should use Times New Roman Font- “12” for text and “10” for footnotes. Use a larger font size for section headings.
A project report must contain:
Content Section
- Title Page
Preliminariesb. Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Introduction and background
Body of the report
- Problem statement
- Objectives of the project
- Literature review
- Methodology adopted
- Results – project findings
- Recommendations
- Conclusion
- Bibliography References
- Appendix
Research Paper (60)
- List of figures and tables
- Index words (if required)
Be clear and precise. Express your ideas in a logical way. Abstract should reflect the essence of the project The introduction should provide the overview of the topic and highlight its significance Clearly indicate the objectives of your project. Describe all the methods used such as interviews, questionnaires in the methodology section.
Ensure that literature review is in your own words. Analyze other person’s contribution to the topic. Identify the gaps in the literature. Emphasize on the likely contribution of your project to the existing literature on the topic. Describe your findings from analysis in the results section. As this is the most critical part of the project, ensure that there are no errors in analysis. Make proper inferences from analysis and findings. The conclusion section should summarize your objectives, findings and learning’s from the project. Provide useful supplementary information in the Appendix. Avoid plagiarism.
The project report should reflect your understanding of the topic. The majority of the paper should be in your own words and reflect your own ideas. Give credit for all referenced work. Provide appropriate citation and references for all quotations. Ensure that papers referenced are relevant and not outdated. Your paper should be reader friendly. Use footnotes to explain difficult terms. Don’t use text from Wikipedia in footnotes All tables and figures must be suitably numbered and titled. Give appropriate credit. On completion, go through the entire project. Ensure there are no proofing errors and you have adhered to all guidelines related to the project.
Criteria Ratings Pts
6.0 pts
18.0 pts
18.0 pts
Introduction 6.0 pts Exceeds Standards Strong introduction of topics key question(s), terms, Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. Specific thesis statement
3.0 pts Meets Standards Conveys topic and key question(s). Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. General thesis statement
2.0 pts Needs Some Improvement to Meet Standards Coveys topic, but not key question(s). Describes subtopics to be reviewed. General thesis statement.
1.0 pts Needs Substantial Improvement to Meet Standards Does not adequately convey topic. Does not describe subtopics to be reviewed. Lacks adequate theses statement.
Focus and Sequencing
18.0 pts Exceeds Standards All material clearly related to subtopic, main topic. Strong organization and integration of material within subtopics. Strong transitions linking subtopics, and main topic.
9.0 pts Meets Standards All material clearly related to subtopic, main topic and logically organized within subtopics. Clear, varied transitions linking subtopics, and main topic.
5.0 pts Needs Some Improvement to Meet Standards Most material clearly related to subtopic, main topic. Material may not be organized within subtopics. Attempts to provide variety of transitions.
1.0 pts Needs Substantial Improvement to Meet Standards Little evidence material is logically organized into topic, subtopics or related to topic. Many transitions are unclear or unsubstantiated.
Support, Citations, and References
18.0 pts Exceeds Standards Strong peer-reviewed research based support for thesis, references and citations are thoroughly and clearly indicated after every quote or an authors statement or idea.
9.0 pts Meets Standards Good research based support for thesis, references and citations are adequately and clearly indicated after most quotes or an authors statement or idea.
5.0 pts Needs Some Improvement to Meet Standards Some research based support for thesis, references and citations are inconsistently indicated after a few quotes or an authors statement or idea.
1.0 pts Needs Substantial Improvement to Meet Standards limited or no peer- reviewed research based support for thesis, references and citations are absent.
Total Points: 60.0
Criteria Ratings Pts
6.0 pts
6.0 pts
6.0 pts
Spelling and Grammar
6.0 pts Exceeds Standards Work has no misspellings or grammatical errors.
3.0 pts Meets Standards Work has 1 or 2 misspellings or grammatical errors
2.0 pts Needs Some Improvement to Meet Standards Work has several misspellings or grammatical errors
1.0 pts Needs Substantial Improvement to Meet Standards Work has numerous misspellings or grammatical errors
Conclusion 6.0 pts Exceeds Standards Strong review of key conclusions and integration with thesis statement. Insightful and supported discussion of impact of the researched material.
3.0 pts Meets Standards Good review of key conclusions and integration with thesis statement. Good discussion on impact of researched material.
2.0 pts Needs Some Improvement to Meet Standards Review of key conclusions. Some integration with thesis statement. Discusses impact of researched material on topic.
1.0 pts Needs Substantial Improvement to Meet Standards Does not summarize evidence with response to thesis statements. Does not discuss the impact of researched material.
Citations and References
6.0 pts Exceeds Standards All references and citations are correctly written and present.
3.0 pts Meets Standards One reference or citations missing or incorrectly written.
2.0 pts Needs Some Improvement to Meet Standards Two references or citations missing or incorrectly written.
1.0 pts Needs Substantial Improvement to Meet Standards Reference and citation errors detract significantly from paper.
10. Apply best practices while managing changes to Windows and its applications. threshold: 3.0 pts
5.0 pts Exceeds Expectations
3.0 pts Meets Expectations
0.0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations