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Strengths-Based Leadership Presentation

LDRS 303 – Strengths-Based Leadership Presentation

  1. Reading Assignment:
  2. Start by watching this 5-minute video introducing Marcus Buckingham and the strengths revolution
  3. You can also go to Click on the green rectangular button in the middle of the web page that says [WATCH VIDEO].
  4. Additional videos are available at
  5. Read Rath & Conchie: Strengths-Based Leadership (pages 7 – 95 and the five additional resources related to your top 5 strengths)
  6. The textbook is available in the library. Please see [Course Resources] in Moodle for instructions.
  7. Review your Strengths Report from your previous assignment.
  8. Review the Strengths Report of your teammates.
  9. Strengths Presentation:
  10. Think of the following topics:
  • What did you learn about yourself?
  • What are your 5-strengths?
  • Talk about each strength individually: Brief definition of the theme.
  • Strategies you use to leverage that strength to meet the four basic needs of your followers. (Hint: The four basic needs can be found on p. 22-26 of Rath and Conchie’s Strengths-Based Leadership.)
  • How would you lead others who are also strong in that strength?
  • Using those strengths as a reference, how will you strengthen your team and the people around you?
  • What is the best way other people can work with you that will bring out the best in both of you (as well as others that may concern you)?

Assignment guidelines:

  • Your team will produce a set of PowerPoints. Each team member will prepare three slides minimum (five maximum). Your slides must accompany notes at the bottom.
  • 1 PowerPoint on your Personal Strength
  • 1 PowerPoint on how you will improve your strength
  • 1 PowerPoint explaining how you will work with each of your teammates.
  • You have three minutes for your presentation.

Due date:

  • Please upload your report in [Assignment 5 – Strengths-Based Leadership Presentation] Dropbox on or before the due date in Moodle.
  • Please note that late assignments will not be accepted and a grade of zero will be assigned.


Last Updated on June 1, 2022

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