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Story Sharing with Props Assignment

Story Sharing with Props Assignment (15%)

Assignment Description:

Choose a children’s book that you love to read or share with children. The book should be pictorial, have a clear plot, and be appropriate for preschool-aged children or older.  Record yourself reading this book to an imagined audience of children.

You must integrate the use of props into your story reading.  Examples of props include but are not limited to puppets, stuffed animals, felt boards, costumes, cut-out images or numerals, and so on. You are welcome to use homemade props if you cannot find already-existing ones relevant to your book.

Your recording should include the following elements:

  1. Brief Introduction – Before reading the book, indicate the author and title of the book and the reason you chose the book.


  1. Reading – Read the book clearly and audibly making effective use of relevant props that enhance the story reading experience.


  1. Brief Conclusion – After reading the book, explain what extension activities (discussion, activities, etc.) you would use to promote comprehension and enjoyment of the story.


Submit your completed Story Sharing with Props assignment to the drop-box of the same name in the Activities &Assignments folder on Blackboard.

It is recommended that you upload your video to YouTube (adjust the privacy settings so only those with the link can view it) and then submit the URL under the submission area.


Your assignment will be evaluated according to the Story Sharing with Props Evaluation Rubricon the following page.



Story Sharing with Props Evaluation Rubric (15%)




Does not Meet Requirements


Needs Improvement





Meets Requirements



Consistently Outstanding


IntroductionOutcome not metIntroduction requires significant development; outcome barely metIntroduction could be improved in a few areasIntroduction could be improved in one or two areasSpeaker introduces him/herself; indicates author/title of story; indicates intended age group for story; describes how story meets needs of intended age group; indicates reason(s) for selecting story; information is conveyed clearly and effectively
Vocal SkillsOutcome not metVocal skills require significant development; outcome barely metSpeaker’s vocal skills could be improved in a few areasSpeaker’s vocal skills could be improved in one or two areasExpression/tone appropriate; every word can be heard and understood; vocalized pauses (uh, well, um, like) not noticeable; voice altered for different characters; sound effects when appropriate;

Standard English used throughout

Nonverbal SkillsOutcome not metNonverbal skills require significant development; outcome barely met.Nonverbal skills could be improved in a few areas; requires some developmentNonverbal skills could be improved in one or two areasSpeaker comfortable and professional as reader;

makes effective eye contact with audience;

uses appropriate and effective body language;

speaker’s face visible; facial expressions clearly convey emotions

Delivery/PropsOutcome not met.Delivery requires significant improvement; outcome barely metDelivery could be improved in a few areasDelivery could be improved in one or two areasSpeaker entices audience to listen; prepares audience for involvement or understanding; story contains appropriate content; appeals to children;

speaker uses dramatic flair, appeals to imagination/intellect; presents story accurately (does not  alter/add/delete content)


Props are attractive to children; attention-getting; attention-holding; durable, creative, recognizable; moved/employed appropriately

ConclusionOutcome not met.Conclusion requires significant improvement; outcome barely metConclusion could be improved in a few areasConclusion could be improved in one or two areasClear and effective transition from presentation to conclusion; speaker describes discussion/ questions/activities he/she would use to follow story; discussion demonstrates critical/analytical thought; extension activities described are relevant, clear, appropriate, promote language development and story enjoyment;  speaker explains conclusion in clear, easily understood Standard English; presentation has complete, satisfying conclusion


Last Updated on March 8, 2019

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