Essay Writer » Essay Blog » Specialized units: SWAT, canine, etc. (must focus on their effect on the community)

Specialized units: SWAT, canine, etc. (must focus on their effect on the community)

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Submit a 1-2 page summary of the topic you have selected for your final research paper. This proposal must include 5 references. In your proposal tell

me the following:
1. Topic • Specialized units: SWAT, canine, etc. (must focus on their effect on the community)
2. Reason why you wish to study it I want to work as a K-9 officer
3. 2-3 questions you specifically want to study related to your topic
4. 5 references
Your proposal must be double-spaced and use the APA style format.
Your topic must be related to the role of police in contemporary society. The textbook is not an acceptable reference – you must find outside sources.




Last Updated on April 25, 2020

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