Rights to privacy

Topic should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the readings and activities. Use your words wisely so that the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Best practice is to include citations and a reference list.

To further your study of clients’ important rights of privacy and confidentiality you will do some research on your own. This will assist you in learning the history of these rights and examining their implications for ethical practice. Finally, you will create a plan for how you will ensure you respect these rights in your future practice.

Use the internet and the Library to research the development of clients’ rights of privacy and confidentiality. Review your readings as well. Then respond to the following questions:

Discuss the history and the basis of clients’ rights to privacy and the development of the right of confidentiality.

Why are these rights necessary and important for clients receiving services?

How do these rights impact service delivery by human service professionals?

Develop a plan to protect your future clients’ rights to privacy and confidentiality? Discuss ways you intend implement these ideas in your practice.

Human service agencies obtain a great deal of personal information from their clients. Often, it is essential for these agencies to share this information with others in order to best serve the client. From the Library, please read: Human services : sustained and coordinated efforts could facilitate data sharing while protecting privacy : report to congressional requesters. (2013). In this article, you will explore ideas for how best to share this personal information while taking care to protect important rights to privacy and confidentiality.


Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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