Annotated Bibliography about the relationship between bilingualism and children with ASD
Project Goal: To explore an area of interest pertaining to childhood language disorders without the confines of a structured topic selection.
General Guidelines
- Choose your topic: You must select a topic on a “special population” or issue pertaining to language disorders that impact children (roughly defined as under the age of 21). You must link the topic to content discussed in this class.
- This assignment includes two components:
- Write an annotated bibliography on your topic.
- Give an oral presentation on your topic to your peers in small groups.
Requirements for the Annotated Bibliography
- All annotated bibliographies should be typed with one-inch margins and should adhere to APA format. Papers should be clearly organized, well written, and free of typographical and spelling errors. Annotated bibliographies should be no longer than four single-spaced pages.
- The content of the annotated bibliography should have a primary focus on child language disorders; this may include language characteristics and/or clinical applications (e.g., assessment, intervention).
- For this assignment, students will read and analyze three original research articles related to your topic (see above). Review articles and/or meta-analyses are not appropriate for this assignment. For each article, students are expected to:
- Write a brief summary/overview.
- Guiding questions: What is the primary finding from the research study? What is the point of the article? Essentially, if someone asked you about the important take-away, what would you say?
- Students should paraphrase the articles; plagiarism is NOT accepted. For more help on paraphrasing, see the following suggested website:
- Write a personal reaction/impression.
- Guiding questions: How might you apply the information in the article? Did the article change your impressions on the topic? Did you learn something that you did not previously know? Provide your personal reactions to the article.
- Write a brief summary/overview.
- Once students have summarized and reflected on each individual article, they are expected to write a broad reflection of the three articles.
- Synthesize the information from all three of the articles and describe what you learned. Guiding questions: Overall, what did you learn from this assignment? How might you apply the information to a clinical setting? Were you surprised about the findings? Do you have additional research (PICO) questions that you want to investigate?
- PISCO stands for:
- ¨P: Patient or Problem
- ¨I: Intervention being considered
- ¨C: Comparison treatment
- ¨O: Desired outcome
- General structure:
- For additional information, please visit the following website:
- Articles should be published within the previous 10 years (2008—present).
I CHOOSE THE 3 ARTICLES AND THE TOPIC. I also provided the citation for you. You MUST stick with them. if you want to add anything related please check with me FIRST. YOU ONLY NEED TO DO brief summary/overview AND Write a personal reaction/impression.( see details above)
APA citation #1 Beauchamp, M. L. H., & MacLeod, A. A. N. (2017). Bilingualism in children with autism spectrum disorder: Making evidence based recommendations. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 58(3), 250–262.…
Summary #1
Reaction #1
APA citation #2 Hambly, C., & Fombonne, E. (2012). The Impact of Bilingual Environments on Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 42(7), 1342–1352.…
Summary #2
Reaction #2
APA citation #3 Lund, E. M., Kohlmeier, T. L., & Durán, L. K. (2017). Comparative Language Development in Bilingual and Monolingual Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. Journal of Early Intervention, 39(2), 106–124.…
Summary #3
Reaction #3
Overall reflection
Ive also attached the articles here so you don’t have to look them up online.
Research Project Grading Rubric
Childhood Language Disorders
Component | Points Possible | Points Earned |
Annotated Bibliography: Completeness All articles were cited correctly; 1-2 errors per citation will result in -1 point; >2 errors per citation will result in -3 points | 9 | |
Annotated Bibliography: Understanding of Articles Key findings (summary) were clearly and accurately described (11 points/article). Students will receive partial credit if the content is mostly accurate and fairly complete, and no credit if the content is incorrect or misleading and is missing important details. | 33 | |
Annotated Bibliography: Overall Reflection Student accurately synthesized information from the three articles. Students will receive partial credit if the content is somewhat synthesized, and no credit if the content is not synthesized (i.e., listing findings from individual articles). | 14 | |
Annotated Bibliography: Grammar/Punctuation Paper does not include typographical or grammatical errors and follows the page length requirements. 1-2 errors grammar/punctuation errors will result in -1 point; >2 errors will result in -2 points. Any assignment that is longer than 4 pages will result in -3 points. |