Assignment #3: Project (25%)
This assignment relates to the following Course Learning Requirements:
CLR 1 – Link recruitment and selection theories and best practices within an organization to a recruitment and selection plan
CLR 2 – Build employee recruiting theories and strategies into the design of a recruitment strategy
CLR 3 – Apply employee selection theories and best practices to build employee selection tools and process
CLR 4 – Plan for an employee selection decision with the application of relevant decision-making theories and best practices
CLR 5 – Design a program evaluation within the relevant theories and best practices Objective of this Assignment: To foster the development of your knowledge and skills of all critical processes in the recruitment and selection process as it directly mirrors industry practices.
In this project, students are required to develop unique and original elements of a recruitment and selection plan for one job in your chosen organization. All project elements must be originally constructed entirely by the student and not use any existing organizational documents beyond the financial, job description /specification and organizational history. Students may use the organization for other projects in other courses in this graduate certificate program.
Inherent to all components of this project are the inclusion of human resources theories and best practices as rationale for each element. This plan must also reference a minimum of five relevant peer reviewed academic journal articles.
Project Elements to be included in your project are below.
Please review the rubric for complete evaluation requirements for each section of your project. To assist with the organization of your project, the written descriptions are noted in yellow and the green areas noted are items are placed in your appendices.
1. Executive Summary
This is no more than 2 pages in your project.
This is the last section you complete for your assignment but is the first section read in your project. You
are to provide an overview of the highlights of your project. Avoid repeating details in your executive
summary from your assignment. This summary is to give the reader an idea of what they can expect to
learn as they read your assignment.
2. Organizational Research
In the first section of the project, you are required to complete an organizational analysis. This is no more than 2 to 4 pages in your project.
The purpose of the organizational research is to ensure your recruitment and selection plan is designed within the context of the organization’s industry, labour market, economic conditions, strategic plan, financial performance, structure, and culture. This section consists of existing information.
Gather all of this information and set it aside for future analysis and writing for your project.
Market space:
What industry does your organization operate within? For example Volvo operates in the automotive industry. Briefly describe this is your project report.
Market share:
What percentage of their respective market space does your organization
control? Briefly describe in report.
Mission statement:
Describe in report. Financial performance: Balance sheet, income statement and budget. Place all of these statements in
your appendices and describe at a high level in your report. The budget should pertain to your
department, region, or Canada.
Organizational structure:
Place the organizational chart in your appendices and describe in your report. You may use your organizational behavior course to outline the organizational structure or you may use this definition to help formulate this section.
This section could be supported with journal articles.
Organizational culture: Interview organization employees and describe their organizational culture in terms from your organizational behaviour text or use this link to help define the culture.
Set aside all interview notes and emails to include in your appendices.
3. One Job- Next you are required to provide a thorough analysis of the one job to be staffed. This is no more than 2 to 4 pages in your project.
The purpose of the position research is to ensure your recruitment and selection plan is designed with expert knowledge of the job and its position inside the organization and industry. This section consists of existing information. Set aside all interview notes and emails to include in your appendices.
Job description, job specifications, and compensation: Obtain from organization; do not build for the job you selected. Place in your appendices and briefly describe in your report.
Intra-organizational and industry trends for this position:
employment numbers refers to how many employees hold this exact job and the total employees in your selected organization; retention refers to the employees in this position staying with this job and organization; current recruitment and selection practices Interview organization employees and describe for this company (intra-organizational); organizational trends refers to patterns or changes to this job, for example are more or less employees anticipated in this job, is the job changing; interview organization employees; and industry trends refers to data from the above collection points from two comparable organizations. All of this data will likely be collected via interviews or email. Describe each of these findings in your report.
Recruitment Plan –You are then required to develop a new and original recruitment and selection plan. This is no more than 2 to 4 pages in your project.
The recruitment plan is original and designed by you. Do not under any circumstances use any
posting or files from your selected organization for your recruiting plan. Remember to support
your project with journal articles.
Applicant pool: From your research, who are your expected applicants? This knowledge will come from interviews with your selected organization, current job description, and Statistics Canada, National Occupational Classification (NOC) and human resources industry reports.
Discuss your findings in your report. Focus on minimum requirements for the job (KSAOs)
Posting: Design one original posting including organizational branding, (logo, mission, vision), job title, list important job duties, KSAOs, and key features from the job description and job specifications, compensation range, and benefits offered. All of the previous data is from the organization, not built by you. You will design an original competition number, application process, application deadline, how applications will be managed, and employment equity statement. Ensure the posting adopts AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) concepts, is creative, and attractive to your applicant pool and reflective of organizational branding. Discuss in your report and place posting in your appendices
Advertising mediums: Discuss the exact mix of methods you will adopt and why in your report.
Include a minimum of one social media concept as part of your plan. Support your decisions for your ad mediums.
Schedule: What will be your exact advertising schedule and why? Discuss in your report and place advertising schedule in your appendices, the schedule is often a table.
5. Selection Plan- The selection plan is original and designed by you. Do not under any circumstances
use any files from your selected organization. This section is 2 to 4 pages.
Define job requirements:
Begin by going back to the job description and job specifications to decide which key job requirements and minimum qualifications you will screen against. Discuss in report.
Screening tool:
Build your screening tool as a spreadsheet (an example is provided in the Project Sample File). This tool should capture the key job requirements and minimum qualifications and attach numeric values to each job requirement reflecting its importance and frequency to the job. Leave data columns in spreadsheet blank, do not populate with any data as you do not
have real data. Discuss in report, place the screening tool in your appendices.
Screening interview:
Build original screening interview questions and scoring as posted on Blackboard. A reminder to consider any legal consideration. Discuss in report and place this file in your appendices.
6. Testing– You are required to create an original testing process. This section is 2 to 5 pages.
One original built test. Focus on one area identified from the minimum requirements for the job
which you have identified from the job description and specification. Discuss in report and place
this file in your appendices.
Rationale for selection of test. Discuss in report.
Scoring of test. The scoring guide is to be specific. Discuss in report and place this file in your appendices.
Consent form- Discuss in report and place this file in your appendices.
Testing schedule- Discuss in report and place this file in your appendices.
7. Interview – You are required to create an interview process. This section is 2 to 5 pages.
What Interview type have your selected and why. Discuss in report.
Who participants in interview and why. Discuss in report.
Interview schedule- Discuss in report and place this file in your appendices.
Create original interview questions. Discuss the reasoning for your interview questions in report
and place the interview guide in your appendices.
Create a scoring and weighting guide for the interview questions. Discuss in report and place the scoring guide in your appendices.
Rationale for each interview component. Remember you are creating a reliable and valid process, one you can legally defend.
8. Reference – You are required to create a new and original reference process. This section is 2 to 3 pages.
Reference release form: Build original reference checking release form as posted on Blackboard. Discuss in report and place in appendices.
Reference checking form: Build an original reference checking including a minimum of 10 questions and create a scoring guide. See sample reference checking form on our Blackboard site. Discuss when in the selection process your team will reference check and why in report.
Ensure you discuss the rationale for your reference process. Place the release form and reference checking form in your appendices.
Decision Making Process – You are required to select decision making process and create the decision
making tool. This section is one to two pages.
Discuss in your report the model, method(s) and tools used. Demonstrate application of the organizational, legal and ethical frameworks considered. How does your selected decision making method support your plan. Place your tools in your appendices.
Offer of employment- You are required to create an original offer of employment. This section is 1 to 3 pages
Create a new offer of employment for your chosen job. Do not use an existing letter from your organization. Discuss the rationale for all components of your letter. Place the letter of offer in your appendices.
11. Evaluation Method- You are required to discuss how you will evaluate your plan. This section is 1 to 2 pages.
Discuss why you are evaluating your plan, what you are assessing, the method used for the evaluation and the rationale for your decisions.
12. Budget and Timeline: You are required to create a complete budget and timeline for your plan. This section is 1 to 2 pages.
Create a budget for the entire recruitment and selection plan including timelines. Budget considerations should include ad mediums and any labour costs. The timeline is a complete timeline from the time you beginning advertising your job posting to the time you will make an offer. Discuss the rationale for your decisions. Place the budget and timelines in your
Throughout the entire project is the evidence of the application of relevant HRM and recruitment and selection theories and concepts must be demonstrated. You are required to include a minimum of five peer reviewed academic journals supporting your project design. The online Algonquin Library is a good place to start. Finally, you are required to provide an executive summary, complimentary appendices and adherence to the School of Business Procedures as these procedures apply to this and all
Citations- this is absolutely necessary for your project. You must cite your work accordingly and provide a complete bibliography with your assignment. The referencing format must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). A tutorial can be reviewed at the following link: . Failure to properly cite your work could result in an evaluation of your work under the college plagiarism policy.
Formatting of your assignment is important. Details on the expectations for your paper are found in the rubric. Failure to format your assignment to expectations will result in a lower grade.