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Racism (Talentism Complex)

Racism (Talentism Complex)


Getting Creative with Coronavirus

Must use the sources below:

  1. Racism -A History (Part 1 of 3)
  1. Racism -A History (Part 2 of 3)
  1. Racism -A History (Part 3 of 3)

Though the documentary is the history of racism, it is nearly equally the history of “talentism,” the social superstition of the belief in the existence and power of special individualsworthy of leadership, resources, and power above all others. It is the other side of the coin of racism.

Write a report about this topic considering the pandemic from both personal experience and online research to the extent possible. What are impactful things that you have learned? What is the merit of learning this to you?

This report may include graphics or other creative modes of communication. Links to videos you made will be accounted for.

Please pretend you are a Taiwanese Economics major student in California.

However, please don’t mention it directly, just focus to the impactful things that you’ve learned through the topic and write the personal experiences that anyone(not in particular race, region or something) can experience as a student.

Last Updated on June 2, 2020

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