Essay Writer » Essay Blog » Sociology Essay Help » “Race” is a social construction

“Race” is a social construction

Essay Prompt: According to the text, “Race” is a social construction. Explain what sociologists mean by this.
In addition to the text, use outside sources.
1. Two pages min/max (no shorter, no longer)
2. Underline thesis (for this class, last sentence of first paragraph.)
3. 12 font
4. Works Cited page
5. Correct grammar, etc.
See rubric for grading.
text book “introduction to Sociology 2e” Chapter 11.Race and Ethnicity.
Link below will take you to the FREE online book!
Clear, well developed and underlined And under line Thesis statement, Essay makes sense, the sociological perspective is supported, strong argument made

Last Updated on July 10, 2020

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