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Quality improvement process

1) Discuss area of poor performance in a primary care healthcare office setting (Improving Patient Wait Times) as the focus of improvement recommendations and include rationale for the selection of the area of poor performance including a discussion of the priority of this area.
2) Discuss the stakeholders needed to implement change in this practice setting (Physician, nurse practitioner, front end staff, back end staff, and patients) and discuss the role of each of the stakeholders in the change process.
3) Discuss one research finding from a peer reviewed academic journal within the last 5 years to translate into practice for practice improvement and also discuss the planning and implementation phases of this identified practice improvement strategy.
4) Discuss the evaluation and follow up plan for the practice improvement initiative discussed. Also, discuss a time-frame (including time points) for evaluation and follow up, method of data collection and communication with identified stakeholders.

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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