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Psychology Reflective essay

In 3 pages, write a reflection paper summarizing the major ethical issues on the codes of ethics of ACA, AMHCA, and on the document, “ASGW Best Practice Guidelines” with respect to the topics of counseling groups. This includes issues of confidentiality, the role of the counselor, assessment procedures, training and supervision, group member preparation, group dynamics, and other topics that you may find related to groups. Make sure you cite the correct location where the information came from (e.g., ASGW, C.4). Points will be deducted for not citing all areas where the codes address these concepts.

Hint: A reflection paper is a paper where you reflect on what is said in the codes of ethics. The ACA and AMHCA’s codes are found on the association websites. You may not find all concepts on the codes exactly as stated above, but do your best to cover all these topics according to what is provided in the 3 distinct codes. Create subtitles to organize your paper according to these terms and according to each of the codes. Do not cut/paste from the codes but re-write the concepts in your own words and add your reflections. Grading will be determined on your ability to correctly find and address these concepts as described on the codes.


Last Updated on April 28, 2019

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