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Psychoanalysis, Humanistic-existential and Cognitive-behavioral

Part 1

This week we will concentrate on exposure to different theoretical therapeutic approaches. You are required to read one full article from each of the three therapy approaches below. Tell us about something you experienced or learned from reading each one:

1) Psychoanalysis

Go to the library search engine (Resources > Library). Click on “Databases by Title (A-Z),” then on “P,” and then on “PsycARTICLES.”  Search for “Psychodynamic psychotherapy.” Read an article of your choice.

2) Humanistic-existential

Go to the library search engine. This time do not go to Databases, but directly copy/paste and search for: Witnessing Clients’ Emotional Transformation: An Emotion-Focused Therapist’s Experience of Providing Therapy, then read that article.

3) Cognitive-behavioral

Go to the library search engine (Resources > Library). Click on “Databases by Title (A-Z),” then on “P,” and then on “PsycARTICLES.”  Search for “Cognitive approaches to psychotherapy.” Read an article of your choice.

Part 2

Now, imagine yourself as a therapist.

Which one of these theoretical approaches would you personally favor? Why? Would you choose to be eclectic? Why would you make that choice? Please note that your explanations should include concrete evidence with some interest and involvement.

Each week, we will review a famous social psychology experiment that applies to the readings.  This week, watch and review The Stanford Prison Study and Bobo Doll Experiment and discuss your thoughts on what you saw.  Remember to tie in the terms, concepts, and details that you learned from the readings, as well.

Stanford Prison Study

Bobo Doll Experiment

Aggression vs. Altruism

Last Updated on July 24, 2022

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