A Restaurant have an interested in creating a new grading system for their customers. This is critical as the restaurant wants to delivery high standard satisfaction outcomes to improve and standardize the quality of the service they deliver and to have the possibility to partnership with other restaurants in the region. The new system ideally should assess fairly the waiters and waitresses, the cooks, and the suppliers.
- Analyze the main clients and stakeholders (restaurants, customers, suppliers) and build a research method to assess the actual picture of satisfaction of all stockholders. This method will to assess the new grading system as soon as the project is put into practice in the restaurant.
- Identify and prepare the information to convince your boss that your project makes sense and it is necessary to put into practice. You need to be convincing. Prepare a power point with 5 slides that you will have to use to convince the board of directors. Enclose it in Moodle too.
- Create an action plan: tell how are you going to create your team and how you will coordinate it. Which are the tasks and timing will be necessary
- Build up a task list
- Establish and action plan
- Schedule and Budget (and a justification)
- Close the project and assess on the risks of failure
- Individual work.
- Minimum length of the assignment 1500 words – Maximum 2500 words.
- Relate your work to the concepts delivered in class.
- Font: Arial 12,5pts. Line-spacing: default. Text-align: Justified.
- Bibliography/References, if needed, has to be quoted in Harvard style.
- You may use Appendixes. These and the References do not count for the total wordcount.
LAUNCH: WEEK 8 / DELIVERY: WEEK 10 – Submission on Moodle by 23:59hrs GMT+1 (Barcelona’s time).
This task is worth 40% of your overall grade for this subject.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
- Describe the need for a project-based approach inside organizations
- Understand the role of project management as a strategic element inside organizations
- Critically assess the roles and responsibilities of a project manager
- Evaluate how to select, develop, plan, schedule and measure its outcomes and risks.