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Principles and Policies in the Police Organization

Principles and Policies in the Police Organization Reading and Resources

Read Chapter 5 in Police Administration

Chapter 5: “Principles and Policies in the Police Organization”

Chapter 5 presents the basic principles of police organization and discusses the role of policies in police administration. Organizational principles are useful guidelines for organizing police work and police personnel. Although the applicability of the principles varies somewhat depending on department size, all police managers need a working familiarity with them.

Read Library Article

Javidan, M., Bullough, A., Dibble, R. (2016). Mind the gap: Gender differences in global leadership self-efficacies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 30(1), 59–73. Retrieved from

Web Resources

American Psychological Association. (2006, March 22). When the boss is a woman. Retrieved from

Riggio, R. E. (2010). Do men and women lead differently? Who’s better? Psychology Today. Retrieved from

Read the following article located in the Library:

Gove, T. G. (2008). The art of managing up. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (77)6, 10–15. Retrieved from

Website: ACCEL Team

Visit the ACCEL Team website and review a very interesting discussion of David McClelland’s Achievement Motivation Theory.

McClelland, D. (n.d.) Achievement motivation theory: Retrieved from


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Last Updated on January 25, 2021

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