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Portfolio Management and Strategic Management Concepts and Organization

Portfolio Management and Strategic Management Concepts and Organization

Write a 1,200-word paper (remember word count only counts for the paper body content) in which you:

Explain how strategic portfolio management relates to project management.

Explain the difference between project-based and non-project-based organizations.

Discuss how communication differs for a project manager in a project-based organization versus a non-project-based organization.

Discuss two challenges that a project manager might face in a non-project-based organization.

Discuss How would you overcome the challenges that you identified.

Please note…there are 5 Main items to address these should correlate to 5 sections in the paper body.

As with all your assignments in the course Make sure you use section headers (section headers are not a sentence nor are they just a repeat of the questions; so an example for a section header might be “”Non-Project-Based Organization Challenges”.); remember to have an intro paragraph and closing paragraph as well.

Use at least two credible references.

Portfolio Management and Strategic Management Concepts and Organization

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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