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Planting strategy and the associated landmarks


Element Criteria Excellent
Satisfies criteria with excellent work Good
Satisfies criteria Average
Satisfies most criteria Poor
Does not satisfy criteria Points
Earned Instructor’s Comments
Structure • The treatment of the topic is logically structured and in compliance with instructions.
• Between 4–6 pages of text not counting title page. 9–10 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 0–6 pts.
Strategy The paper clearly presents the stages of plant development including:
• Recruitment of planting sponsors/partners
• Development of planting team
• Planter assimilation in community
• Location and enlistment of “congregation”
• Public worship
• Assimilation of “congregation”
• Replicating leadership 64–70 pts. 59–63 pts. 53–58 pts. 0–52 pts.
Landmarks • The paper identifies events/resources that will indicate the readiness of each stage and ability to initiate the next stage. 9–10 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 0–6 pts.
Style • The paper properly uses current Turabian format.
• Use of required sources.
• Sources are properly cited.
• The paper reflects a college level of writing.
• The paper is without spelling and grammar errors. 9–10 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 0–6 pts.
Total Out of 100 points
You will submit a 4–6-page paper presenting the planting strategy and the associated landmarks. You will use course readings and other resources to present strategy implementation. You must cite at least 6 sources for this assignment. The paper should demonstrate an awareness of the sequential preparation and implementation process and the landmarks demonstrating the readiness to advance the work to the next stage of preparedness. Review the associated rubric for the specific elements to be included in the paper. The paper must comply with current Turabian standards, be written in third person with double-spacing, and have footnotes and a bibliography.
The books that we used are: At home in a Strange Land William E. Brown Launch Starting a New Church from Scratch, Nelson Searcy Kerrick Thomas, Planting Churches Cross Culturally Davis J. Hesselgrave, Planting Missional Churches, Ed Stetzer you must use theses four books please. And then you can use two of your choice.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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