Which of the following physiological changes may lead to urinary incontinence in the elderly?
The bladder loses tone which increases the amount of urine that can be stored.
The urethra shortens and the wall thins.
An increase in fluid intake
The sphincter closes tightly.
7. Which of the following is true about our aging population?
Most older adults live alone.
By the year 2020 the population of those aged 65+ will increase significantly.
Most elderly believe their health is excellent.
They make up a small part of the population and utilize only a small portion of healthcare dollars.
8. What are the benefits of regular exercise?
Maintain balance and flexibility
To accomplish a weightlifting goal.
Decreased muscle strength and cardiovascular health.
Increase to healthy weight.
9. Which of the following is NOT an intrinsic risk factor for elderly falls?
High risk medications.
Visual Impairment.
A previous fall.
Improperly fitted shoes.
10. Sleep Disorders are common in the elderly. What interventions can promote sleeping?
Eat a large meal prior to going to bed, take a nap during the afternoon.
Try relaxation techniques, establish a routine pattern of when you go to bed.
Avoid alcohol, but “rt is alright to drink caffeinated beverages.
Increase activity during the day, go to bed at varied times depending on how tired you are.