Physics homework 2-1

  1. The Solar Stirling Engine (conceived by Dish Stirling) was a promising example of CSP.
  2. a) Described how this device works
  3. b) discuss why the individual unit power capacity of these devices make them difficult to actually deploy in the real world.
  4. c) discuss how the company, Dish Stirling, eventually collapsed and went bankrupt.
  5. From various research, determine the future plans for expanding wind capacity in Washington and Oregon? As of 2017, what is the approximate total percentage of nameplate capacity Wind generated electricity in Washington and Oregon compared to all sources of electricity generation in those states. State profiles can be found here:
  6. .

Is a brand new (as of April 2018) interactive visual database for individual wind turbines in the US.

  1. a) Using that viewer described the evolution of wind power in Texas from 2000 to current and in Oklahoma from 2000 to current. You can do this by adjusting by selecting Year as a filter and you can zoom in to specific states and visually see wind turbine complexes with information on each complex in the right hand panel.
  2. b) From that data, project how much wind power will Oklahoma and Texas have in the year 2030.
  3. Research and report on developments of advanced batteries.
  4. a) What kinds of new materials are being considered and what kind of energy density capacities are being projected as milestones to achieve?
  5. b) Based on that research do you believe that the battery 500 project: can meet its goals?
  6. A numerical exercise related to the previous question: your laptop requires 80 watts of power. If someone developed a battery with an energy density of 600 watts hours per kg – how long could you continuously power your laptop using a 2 kg battery?


Last Updated on January 30, 2025

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