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Pharmacotherapeutic Practice Regulation

APRN Prescriptive Authority State Comparison (Portfolio Part 1) – Pharmacotherapeutic Practice Regulation

  1. Advanced practice, especially with respect to the four advanced practice roles of NP, CNS, CNM, and CRNA is defined per state by that state’s Nurse Practice Act and governed by the state’s Board of Nursing, but other laws and regulations may impact practice and other boards may play a role. For instance, in some states CNMs are regulated by a Board of Midwifery or public health.  In addition, in some states, the CNSs are not differentiated from RNs in the state’s Nurse Practice Act, which means that CNSs are held to the same scope of practice as RNs within the state. The scope of practice for CRNAs is fairly standard, but is not evident in statute in all states. The performance of practice procedures, not specifically listed in a state’s Nurse Practice Act is allowed by the regulatory body based on professional opinion. For example, can NPs perform micro-dermabrasion, and under what circumstances? Can CNSs participate in radiologic procedures? Can CRNAs administer IV anesthetics for intractable pain? Given the variation between advanced practice roles and related state statutes, rules and regulations, it is essential that all advanced practice nurse have a clear understanding of how their scope of practice is defined by state laws and regulations, as well as the practice-based opinions of the state regulatory agency.
  2. Find the Nurse Practice Act in your state and in another state for comparison. Compare the prescriptive authority for APRNs between the two states. Compose a formal 2 to 4 page APA (6th) formatted paper (not including the title page and references) which compares the APRN prescriptive authority in the two states.
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Compare and contrast the prescriptive authority for the 4 types of APRNs between two states in different geographical areas of the USA. Remember, some states do not recognize all 4 types of APRNs:


Formatted in APA (6th ed.) style, with a cover page, introduction, conclusion, and reference list.5


Last Updated on April 27, 2024

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