Essay Writer » Essay Blog » Psychology Paper Writing Service » PERSONALITY & CAREER RESEARCH & ANALYSIS


For this assignment you will need to research your personality type and career interest. Follow the outline and formatting requirements shown below. Each bullet point within each section should be thoroughly discussed. Late submissions will not be accepted. Invalid electronic submissions (i.e. any file other than Microsoft Word, Google Docs or PDF) will not be accepted.



  • What is the topic?
  • What is the significance of the topic?
  • As the reader of your paper, what will they expect to read and understand within the rest your paper? *This should be a clear statement. Don’t assume that by answering the first two areas the reader will know what you will discuss in your paper.*



  • Describe the O*net website using information from the following source:
  • Research your career interest based on a specific job title. Research and report on the 6 areas shown below. Use the following link to research your career interest:
  • Educational Requirements (provide all information)
  • Wages & Employment (provide all information)
  • Knowledge (pick 1 from the list to Describe and Explain)
  • Skill (pick 1 from the list to Describe and Explain)
  • Ability (pick 1 from the list to Describe and Explain)
  • Technology Skills (pick 1 from the list to Describe and Explain)


  • Highlight key areas of your research on Personality
  • Highlight key areas of your research on your Career

Formatting Requirements

  • Title Page (no Reference Page), APA headers on all pages USE THE APA GUIDELINES PROVIDED IN BLACKBOARD
  • Times New Roman, 12 pt., double-spaced *do not double-double space between paragraphs*
  • Use the following headings for each section:INTRODUCTION, PERSONALITY, CAREER, CONCLUSION *These headings are boldALL CAPS, and to the far left of your margin.

Helpful Hints

  • Introduction and Conclusion sections should be 1 paragraph each. These paragraphs should have similar length and quality. Expand on your talking points. Two to three sentences will never ever ever ever ever….EVER work in this class.
  • Personality and Career sections can be broken up into multiple paragraphs if needed.
  • Before saving your final draft: Spell Check, Grammar Check, Read it to yourself (internal and aloud). Read it to one of your classmates, friends or family.
  • Late submissions will result in a zero.
  • Electronic submissions that are not Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or PDF formatted, will result in a zero.


Oral presentations reviewing your research on your personality and career interest. You are essentially taking your final paper and providing a general description and analysis of it, but within a power point slides presentation. *Google slides are not allowed*

Your slides should follow the outline below. For each bullet point, try to answer the question that is being asked. Your answer will be provided through what you say and what is shown in the slides. *The aesthetics of your power point slides will not have an impact on your grade*


  • Who are you, and what is this presentation about?
  • Why should I care about what you are going to discuss?


  • Tell me about this personality test that you researched.
  • What were the results? *You do not have to provide specific or detailed info*
  • What do you think those scores mean? *You do not have to provide specific or detailed info*


  • Tell me about this website used to research your career interest.
  • All 6 areas from the paper must be discussed


  • Any key areas you think I should remember from your research?
  • What (if anything) did you learn from your research?

Formatting Requirements

Power Point slides (multiple slides/pg.) submitted on the day of presentations.

Your grade will not be influenced by how well/poor you speak publicly. Relaaax


Last Updated on March 25, 2020

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