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Craft two one-page letters announcing the merger. (A) One letter will be for external stakeholders and (B) the second letter will be for internal stakeholders. Letters must be formatted in proper business letter format including an opening greeting, a closing, and a signature block.

A) Develop an external communication announcement: Craft a one-page (single-spaced) public announcement letter that will communicate to external stakeholders (such as customers, the public at large, vendors, etc.) the announcement of the merger.

Consider how to concisely communicate the necessary facts of the merger, along with how it will impact them, emphasizing the benefits and mitigating potential concerns.

B) Develop an internal communication announcement: Craft a one-page (single-spaced) letter announcing the news of the acquisition and merger to internal stakeholders (employees at all levels).

Consider how to concisely communicate the necessary facts of the merger along with how it will impact them, emphasizing the benefits and mitigating potential concerns.
Please infuse information from

both Part 1 and 2 need to flow together

Last Updated on January 19, 2018

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