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Overview of Community and Need

Overview: In Milestone One, you selected an agency and developed an issue statement regarding a need of that agency. In this milestone, you will incorporate your Milestone One work into the “Overview of Community and Need” section and then research the need described in your issue statement and produce a literature review that lists the resources you consulted. There will be research to be performed for this milestone.

This will be the second of three milestones that lead to a successful capstone completion. Once you have researched, identified, and located the articles for your literature review, you need to analyze them and organize them before you begin working on your outline. You should organize these articles to best help you formulate evidence-based recommendations that will make a positive difference in the agency. SNHU’s Shapiro Library should be used to assist in your research.

Prompt: You will submit your agency needs assessment, which includes a literature review with a brief synopsis of each resource you plan to use for the findings and recommendations report. You should use both primary and secondary sources, evaluate how these sources relate to your issue, develop criminological theories, discuss any ethical impact, describe any technological impact, and provide a review of the literature on the issue.

Your findings and recommendations report (Milestone Three) will include the statement of need, program recommendations, goals and objectives, staffing/administration/resource needs, and evaluation plan. Remember to consult the Capstone Project Template for more guidance on the components of your capstone project.


Last Updated on September 10, 2019

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