Oracle queries

Q1. Determine the number of minutes played for each player. The correct answer will have columns PlayerName, and “Total Minutes Played”.

Q2. Determine the number of minutes played for each player. The correct answer will have columns PlayerName, Position, and “Total Minutes Played”.

Q3. Find those players whose total minutes played is more than is possible for the number of games they have played (HINT: each game is 60 minutes). The correct answer will have columns PlayerName, Position, “Total Minutes Played”, and “Total Possible Minutes”.

Q4. Retrieve the players who have played in more than one game. The answer will have columns “Player Name”, “Team Name”, and “Games Played”.

Q5. Retrieve the team names and cities for every game that was played in August, 2018. The answer will have columns “Game Date”, HOMETEAM, “Home Team City”, AWAYTEAM and “Away Team City”.

Q6. Use the Oracle SOUNDEX to find different team names that sound alike. The correct answer will have columns “Team Name 1”, “Team Name 2”, and “SOUNDEX Representation”.

Q7. Prompt for a Game Date, then display the total number of minutes played for every team for this date. If the team did not play on that date, the team still needs to be displayed with a value of 0. The answer will have columns “Game Date”, TeamName, and “Total Minutes Played”.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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