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Nursing 360 professional issue in Nursing

Nursing 360 professional issue in Nursing, paper#2 Leadership paper

Discuss the difference between leadership and management, according to theories
addressed in textbook and class discussions.
Select a nursing leader from your experience, what type of leader are they and outline
their leadership style. What changes in their management could make this nurse
leader a better leader?

What are some challenges facing nursing leaders today in the healthcare setting?
Here are links to two articles that may assist you on this paper. One covers challenges facing
nursing leaders and the other is a white paper on leadership & management

See the Writing folder for links on to tell if an article is peer reviewed
Total possible points: 105 (100 writing points + 5 points for using Turn It In)
Percent of course grade: 30%


1. Typed, double spaced, using APA referencing style
2. Font: Times New Roman size 12, margins 1” all around
3. Paper length minimum 5 pages, with separate, additional pages for title and reference
4. References: minimum least three (3) recent (within the last 5 years) from peerreviewed
journal articles, not including the class textbook or the links above.
5. Use the Writing folder resources on Blackboard
6. Written according to rubric below
7. Upload Final papers into Assignments area by due dates
8. TurnItIn: Located in Paper #2 folder
a. You may upload your paper more than once to the Turn It In Draft section when you
are writing it. It may take some time to issue you a report during busy periods. Use the
report to improve your paper.
b. Upload your final paper to the Turn It In Final section.

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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