Discuss the following major neuropsychology concepts: sensory/perceptual functions and types of memory (see Chapter 2 of your text). What issues are related to these concepts?
Neuropsychological testing
Question 2 250 Words with at least 1 reference
Use the following example to discuss use of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) to help determine if frontal processing deficits are present. Susan works as a spray painter in automobile bodywork and painting shop which has inadequate ventilation. She has complained to her foreman that she did not want to come into work because she has been having headaches, dizziness, and inability to concentrate on her work. Her foreman referred her to a physician, who after giving her a physical, has requested neuropsychological testing.
Concepts and Categories: A Cognitive Neuropsychological Perspective
Discuss the use of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (see pp. 636-640 and pp. 843-844 in your text) to investigate Susan’s impaired frontal executive functions such as the ability to focus and concentrate, tendency towards perseveration, and ability to remember and follow detailed instructions. Discuss whether or not she will be able to return to work (after the workplace ventilation is improved) following her chronic exposure to paint fumes. (Note: the WCST is also quite sensitive to detecting onset of Alzheimer’s dementia, because frontal lobe function impairment as well as noticeable memory deficits is present in early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease).
Symptomology of PTSD and how trauma can affect children and adolescents
Neuropsychology concepts: sensory/perceptual functions and types of memory
Question 3
250 words
Imagine you are a psychologist researching one of the following phenomena:
• Phobias
• Psychosomatic illnesses
• Prejudice
• Drug overdose deaths
How Pavlovian conditioning
Describe how Pavlovian conditioning is used to better understand the topic you selected. You should apply classical conditioning concepts such as CS/UCS/UR/UCR in light of how the disorder/issue may develop in the individual and/or how it might be treated with conditioning.
Talk about overcoming the fear of dog
Question 3 250 Words with at least 1 reference
Learning serves a valuable purpose to the organism. It often increases survival and provides improved quality of life opportunities. In these ways, learning is “adaptive.” Discuss an example of how learning can be “maladaptive.”
Neuropsychological Evaluation FAQ
Question 4 250 Words with at least 1 reference
Tip: Intelligence Testing techniques making up the Boston Process Approach are frequently used as a part of a neuropsychological assessment. For example, using this approach, the arithmetic subtest is first given:
1) Orally [standard administration]. (Establishes a baseline score for the testee; this is your comparison score.)
2) As a written word problem with paper and pencil instead of an orally presented mathematics problem [a modified administration]
3) As a page of problems [no translation of a word problem to an equation required, thus a direct test of mathematics ability to do operations]
4) With additional time given [tests mental speed which may be slow but which may be independent of the actual ability to do math problems]
These progressive changes in administration can help determine a variety of possible deficits, including the extent and influence of working memory deficits on mathematics ability. For example, if working memory “space” is “limited,” the standard oral memory-based administration is much more difficult than if the problem is written out (because verbal problems must be held in memory while being solved). Or, if problems in reading and interpreting word problems are present, this will be evident when comparing the results from the word problems administration versus comparing work using an “already written down page of problems” administration.
For the following Discussion topic, imagine the following scenario: Jose is a young Hispanic boy and native English speaker in the fifth grade of elementary school. He is 10 years old and is having trouble doing assignments in his math course. His teacher reports that he gets along well with his fellow students but has a lot of trouble when doing math problems. He has been referred for neuropsychological testing to help determine why he is having difficulty in mathematics. Discuss the method and the advantages of administering a Boston Process Mathematics intelligence assessment for Jose.
Then, discuss the role of individual differences such as educational background, ethnicity, and socio-economic status when administering an intelligence test to Jose. What do you have to consider and why?
Question 5 250 Words with at least 1 reference
Discuss possible outcomes of damage (a lesion) to the right or to left posterior brain hemispheres.
Neuropsychology concepts: sensory/perceptual functions and types of memory, neuropsychological testing and how Pavlovian conditioning is used.