Essay Writer » Essay Blog » Negative Impacts of Social Media

Negative Impacts of Social Media

Following the direction offered by Jackson and Newberry (2016) in Chapter 12, complete an argumentative essay on the issue you chose in Week 6. Be sure your essay contains

  • an introduction containing a thesis that states the issue, your position on the issue, what the paper will cover, and in what order;
  • at least two paragraphs that each contain a well-supported (and documented) claim or sub-argument that will provide strong support for your fallacy-free argument;
  • at least one paragraph discussing a documented, reasonable counterclaim to your position that needs to be a legitimate claim that someone has actually made as a counter-position on your issue;
  • at least one paragraph offering a reasonable, documented response to that counterclaim; and
  • a conclusion that summarizes the argument and conclusion.

This argumentative essay should

  • be no less than 750 words;
  • have no fewer than five sources;
  • be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, using proper APA formatting (cover page, one-inch margins, and double-spacing); and
  • follow APA documentation protocol.


Last Updated on February 19, 2018

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