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My Strategy For College Success

For this assignment, write a paper on the following topic: My Strategy for College Success.

Include each of the following in your paper:

  • Create a title page.
  • Describe your career goals (150 words). The heading for this section is “Career Goals.”
  • Describe how you will utilize time-management skills effectively to achieve goals (150 words). The heading for this section is “Time Management Techniques.”
  • Describe your learning style and the study methods that you will use to be successful in college (150 words). The heading for this section is “Study Methods for Academic Success.”

Create a References page.

  • On a separate page, list the references for your paper. The heading, “References,” should be centered at the top of the page.
  • The reference citations should be formatted according to the type of source. In other words, a book is formatted one way, and an article is formatted another way.
  • Include 1-inch margins on all sides of the page.
  • List the citations in alphabetical order according to the first author’s last name.
  • Apply double-spacing throughout the page.
  • Format each reference citation with a hanging indentation.
  • The heading for each paper section, “Career Goals,” “Time Management Techniques,” and “Study Methods for Academic Success,” will be a level one headings in the paper. Align each heading to the center of the page and ensure the font is in boldface.


Last Updated on September 12, 2018

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