Subject to approval and based on your project proposal discussion with the unit coordinator – you need to produce a multimedia package that must include all of these interlinking elements:
- 600 words of text
- A 2:30 minute video package
- A 2 minute audio package
- Two photos, at least one of which must be original
- Hyperlinks, and
- At least one other element (e.g. graphics, social media)
Text & other elements (weighted at 10 marks)
Your multimedia package must weave all the elements together to tell a compelling story.
Text must include:
- Strong headline(s) & lead
- At least 2 hyperlinks to add value to the story.
- The text may be at least partly based on your video and audio interviews but must add value – i.e. not just replicate what is in the audio/videos
Photos must include:
- At least one original photo. You may also use other photos – e.g. free stock photos, photos sourced from your talent, keeping in mind copyright requirements.
- All photos must be captioned and credited .
- Photo captions should not simply describe what you can see in the photo, but add value to the story.
Other elements
- You are required to include at least one other element that adds value and meaning to the story.
- This may be an original infographic, social media embeds, GIFs etc.
- Any queries, please contact me.
Audio package (weighted at 10 marks)
The audio component must:
- Include narrative and sound bites (voice grabs) from at least two interviews you have recorded yourself.
- At least one of these voice grabs must be from a separate interview to the video report.
- Vox pops and natural sound (atmos) or SFX may be included if desired.
- A script also needs to be written & submitted for this report. See template provided.
- Duration: 2:00 minutes
Video story (weighted at 20 marks)
The video – or MOJO – story must contain:
- Interview grabs from at least 3 talent. You must have shot this footage yourself.
- A strong narrative
- Overlay (B-Roll),
- Titles and captioning.
- Voiced narration and/or a piece to camera is not required but can be included if desired.
- A script also needs to be written and submitted for this report. See template provided.
- Duration: 2:30 minutes
Other important information
- Deakin related stories and interviews with family members, Deakin students and friends will not be accepted.
- Your interviews should be with representatives of groups, organisations or associations who can speak on behalf of that organisation, group or association.
- The names and contact details of the people interviewed for the assignment must be included at the end of the script.
- All reports are to be on the same broad topic, with each element telling a different part of the story
- All reports must be produced and edited observing the lessons/resources in the unit.
- You must ensure your stories are ‘fact checked’ for accuracy.
- They must be uploaded to Deakin Air by the assignment due date.
- Please refer to the designated rubric for this assignment – to ensure you have addressed all the assignment criteria/requirements.
You must ensure in your package that you:
- Do not defame people
- Do not create news stories about sub judice matters (a case before the courts)
- Do not breach copyright (intellectual property)
- Your story should be community related but at the same time have a news angle to it.