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Mosuo Tribe and Chinese Golf Course

Video Key Points

You will need to have a good understanding of the key concepts from the three assigned videos in order to effectively complete the assignment.

So it would be a good idea to view the videos more than once, if you feel you need to, and to take notes on key points from each video.

Don’t just focus on the answers to the questions that I have given you…each video has a lot of information that is relevant to this course. They all deal with socio/cultural issues, economic issues and environmental issues.

Also try and consider which of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals would be relevant in each video.

When viewing the videos consider some of the concepts that we have covered in class:

Socio/Cultural – acculturation, commodification, standardization, etc.

Capacity – social, physical, environmental, etc.

Video One – Case Study of Golf Course Development in Hainan China

Video Two – Case Study of the Mosuo Tribe in China

Video Three – The Economics of Happines

Deforestation in China for the Golfing Industry

The Mosuo Tribe – China’s Last Matriarchy



The Economics of Happiness



  • The questions pertain to the videos that you watched – The Mosuo Tribe, The Gold Course in Hainan China and The Economics of Happiness. You will also be expected to incorporate any relevant ideas and topics from the entire course, as you feel appropriate. And/or the question may pertain to the content of the Sustainable Management PowerPoint/class
  • You will be asked in three of the questions to refer to those UN Sustainable Development Goals that you feel are relevant to the questions/your answers..
  • The report should be no more than five pages long.
  • Use the RUBRIC to guide you when answering.
  • Cite all sources – as per APA standards. Do NOT just put a list of website addresses on the back page. Citing sources involves LINKING the source to the relevant text. If you are using information from our classes, PowerPoints, etc. you do not, for this assignment, need to cite the source APA style. You can simply say “as discussed in our class about Socio/Cultural Impacts”.

Please put some thought into this paper. I want to hear your fact based opinions. I also want to see that you have watched and understood the videos and that you are able to connect their content to the theory that we discussed in our classes.

You will upload it into TURNITIN…as well as upload it into the Assignment Page in BlackBoard. As usual, the due date/time also applies to TurnitIN.

NOTE: PLAGIARISM includes cutting and pasting sentences and paragraphs from other sources. Even if you cite that source, using other people’s work as the body of your work is not acceptable. You need to read, discuss concepts with each other and then put your OWN ideas into your paper. As usual, plagiarism in an assignment results in a mark of ZERO.

ONE: Consider the Mosuo Tribe and Chinese Golf Course videos and comment on the socio/cultural impacts of the actions taken by business and governments in each.

Key concepts to include in your answer;

  • What is changing in the local society in each case?
  • Who is being “hurt” by the Tourism in each area and who is benefitting from the Tourism in each area?
  • Give one specific example, from the videos, for each to support your answer.
  • Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals apply in each case? Why do you say this?

TWO: The Chinese Golf Course video highlights the damage many parts of our industry is doing/has done to the global environment and to local environments around the world.

  • Find an example of one tourism destination/business/company that has done great damage to the environment in which it operates -this could be on land, in the sea or in the air.
  • Provide TWO specific examples to support your answer. (What did they do? When? What was the impact? Did they get caught? Were there penalties or did the government not do anything?) Use the UN Sustainable Development Goals in your answer.
  • Then find an example of one tourism destination/business/company that has proven to do GOOD things with respect to the global/local environment. (What did they do? When? What was the impact? Did they get recognized/rewarded for this?)
  • Provide TWO specific examples to support your answer and use the UN Sustainable Development Goals in your answer

THREE: The Economics of Happiness talks about ‘THREE THINGS” that need to change if we can move from a GLOBAL economy back to more LOCAL economies to control the social/economic and environmental damage that many feel are the result of globalization. These three things are:

  1. BIG companies get TAX BREAKS that small companies don’t get.
  2. LACK OF REGULATIONS or regulations that FAVOUR BIG Companies
  3. Governments give BIG GLOBAL COMPANIES SUBSIDIES (they give them money – loans or grants) but do not do that as much for SMALLER LOCAL COMPANIES.

Explain what each of these three things means and find one specific example (from our industry) to illustrate how a BIG industry related company has benefitted from one or more of these advantages. (You can find three different big companies or if you have a good example of one company that has benefitted from more than one you can explain how that company has benefitted from each.

FOUR: In our Effective Sustainable Management PowerPoint/on-line class we talked about FOUR types of Carrying Capacity.

  • List and define each typeof carrying capacity.
  • Then for EACH type provide an example of an industry related destination/attraction that has done a GOOD job of not exceeding/managing that type of carrying capacity.
  • Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals are relevant to each example?

Please answer the questions below and follow instructions and rubric

Golf Course Development in Hainan – China

Why is the resort being built? Who will benefit from the golf course/resort? What is driving this development?

Who is the target market for the government’s plan for tourism?

What is the chemical threat?

What was the course developer’s “funny joke” near the end of the video? How does this make you feel?

Can you identify the socio/cultural issues here?

Can you identify the environmental issues here?

The Mosou Tribe

Why is this community so unique in the world? How is their society structured?

What is “walking marriage”? Has this helped to create a harmonious socio/cultural environment? Why?

What is the Chinese government now doing with respect to this community and culture? Why?

What do you see in the video? Acculturation? Commodification? Standardization? Cultural Erosion? Give an example of each of these, if you see them.

Considering the views of some of the Mosuo men and women is this new focus on tourism helping or hurting the community? Why?

The Economics of Happiness

So THIS is a totally different take on things that we’ve done in class. All semester we’ve been talking about GLOBALIZATION – the good and the bad! NOW we have a video done by some very smart people who are talking about how LOCALIZATION is now the only thing that will save our societies and our environment. What do you think? According to The Economics of Happiness:

What has globalization done to:

The economic balance of power in the world. Who is making all the money? Who is not making money?

Social/Cultural identities. With the advent of GLOBALIZATION what has been happening around the world with respect to how happy people of different cultures ARE with their local culture? What do many people wish would happen to their cultures?

What has the move from traditional cultures and the ways that different cultures have survived for centuries (small production, farming, fishing, weaving, local shops, etc) to the new GLOBALIZED approach that sees products being made and shipped all over the globe….done to the local societies? Are they more well off now than they were say 50 years ago?

The Economics of Happiness

Let’s talk about the ENVIRONMENT. What has GLOBALIZATION done to local environments as well as the over planet? Can you name a few things from the video that have had a bad impact on our environment? Any positives?

The Economics of Happiness

According to the video what at the THREE BIG CHANGES that have to happen to level the economic playing field and to help us all move back to a more “local” way of living? They say that governments around the world have to make drastic changes to:

How Governments TAX BIG companies/wealthy people vs. smaller local companies and not so wealthy people

How Governments SUBSIDIZE big companies/Banking Rules – vs. subsidies and rules for small, local companies

International Trade Treaties/Policies/Agreements

The Economics of Happiness

What are some of the reasons that having small local producers in a community ensure better quality products and services as well as better conditions and pay for the employees?

In general are people more happy or less happy than they were 40 or 50 years ago. Why or why not?


Last Updated on March 24, 2020

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