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Module 7 Strategic planning assignment

This week you read about the importance of the Annual Strategic Plan Update. This weeks assignment will give you the opportunity to do some research, and create a update for a retreat that you will be planning.

For the first part of this assignment, you should develop a plan to discuss where the retreat will happen, who will be invited, what process method you will use, and what are the reasons/benefits of each of these that you chose.

The next part is to actually provide an annual update. For this assignment, please research Johns Hopkins Medicine Strategic Plan. You will see that it is broken out into several Strategic Priorities. Read through them, and research some of the major health care changes that will impact their plan.

As an example, if one of their strategic priority is “Education”, with a goal of creating a portal for its constituencies to access health information, and you are aware that health care reform is focused on wellness, and incentivizing providers to keep patients healthy, your annual update may be to have a goal of creating a comprehensive portal by the end of the year that includes specific information for a patient related to their illness, or wellness information for those patients with no active disease state.

You can be creative with your goal, but make sure that it is relevant to part of their strategic plan, and the external health care forces acting on it.

Your submission should be a minimum of 400 words.

Please submit an APA formatted Word document


Last Updated on January 29, 2025

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