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Mental health treatment

  1. a) Describe at least two different cultural beliefs that might impact a person’s decision to receive medical treatment (for a physical problem).
  2. b) Describe at least two different cultural beliefs that might impact a person’s decision to receive mental health treatment.
  3. c) Based on what you have learned in this module, what advice, if any, would you give to someone with these cultural beliefs to ensure her/his well being.

Potential Essay #2
Let’s say, this summer, you have a choice to work as a cross-cultural psychology intern in any of the fields below. Choose two different fields from the list below. For each field that you have selected, describe at least two different ways that your cross-cultural psychology knowledge can be used. (This means that your answer should include a two fields and a total of four different ideas.)

(For example, what cultural factors would be helpful to share in a business environment? How could your cross-cultural knowledge help people working at a health clinic or a school that is not very culturally diverse? — Please demonstrate your critical thinking skills by thinking of your own questions.)

You must describe two ways for each field that you select — a total of four different ways to potentially apply this knowledge.


Last Updated on March 12, 2019

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