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Lawyers and ethics- Problems to solve

Lawyers and ethics- Problems to solve

Please note that you need to understand Ethics from the State of\fictoria and the Professional Rules that apply.



Dal Pont, Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility 5th Ed (2013) REFERENCE

1. Ross 8. MacFarlane, Lawyers’ Responsibility and Accountability:

Cases, Problems and Commentary

2. Russell Cocks, Ethics Handbook: Questions and Answers (2004)

Must reference the following:


legislation – Assessment – refer to these Acts.

The Legal Profession Act 2004 (Wc)

The Legal Profession (Admission) Rules 2008

The Legal

Profession Regulations 2005

The Professional Conduct and Practice Rules 2005

The \fictorian Bar Rules of Conduct (Practice Rules)


available on internet.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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