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Job analysis techniques

1-This week, I’d like to hear from you what techniques are out there to develop a good JA, specifically how does HR go about developing a JA and what legal implications are there that they need to watch out for.
2- Class, open your textbook, start digging and doing some research – assume when you answer this question that you are HR, and you’re been tasked with asking *questions* to either create or update a Job Analysis (JA), what type of questions should you ask and why?
3-Let’s start with the various job analysis techniques. What factors affect the job analysis method chosen by an employer? Would an employer’s unique business type and environment affect the method chosen? How?
4-What issues can affect the accuracy of a KSA collection?
5-How can these be overcome? Are there special issues or concerns when it comes to discovering the employee behaviors that are required in the position?
6-Class -what specific interview questions would you ask a candidate applying for a waiter job – that will give you some insight into the needed KSAs for a waiter (see list below)? I would like to see 2-3 interview questions you develop using the KSAs below for the waiter position. Let’s get creative and have fun – remember your employment law as well (questions to avoid asking)!

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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