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Writing Project #3: Argument Essay

Points: 250 points

You will consider your own opinions and experiences and argue them against a counter or opposing viewpoint. Your voice should dominate this essay; use sources as support for your ideas.

You will include at least five (5), but no more than seven (7) separate sources for this essay, representing differing perspectives on your research question. These sources can include magazines, newspapers, films, podcasts, journals, or in electronic databases available through the Ivy Tech Community College library.

The thesis statement for the Argument Essay will take the form of an enthymeme. This is a claim that is directly connected to its reasoning. In this type of argumentative reasoning the claim (X) is a debatable point, and the reasoning (Y) a point in which both you and your audience will agree upon. In its most simplistic form an enthymeme looks like this:

“I believe ____X____, because _____Y .”

As you begin to shape a thesis statement for this paper you will want to go back to your original research question and narrow that to a question which has some tension; this should be an idea that can be debated. Then attempt to answer that question in the form of an enthymeme.


• Length: 6-8 pages (2000 word minimum), double spaced
• 12 point font
• The final draft of the essay will be in MLA format and include proper documentation.
• You will need to include at least five (5) sources for this paper.


• You will only be allowed to submit your final draft of Writing Project #1 if you submit a rough draft AND participate in Peer Review.

• You will only be allowed to REVISE Writing Project #1 if you submit a rough draft, final draft and participate in Peer Review.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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