1. Please find a publicly traded company.
2. Go to the company’s corporate website and download the 2020 financial statements.
3. Open the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, and all other pertinent information.
4. Calculate as many ratios as possible for this company for the year 2020.
a. Ex: you cannot calculate the Dividend Yield Ratio if the company doesn’t pay dividends.
5. Find a competitor of this company.
a. The competitor must also be a publicly traded company.
6. Go to the company’s corporate website and download the 2020 financial statements.
7. Open the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, and all other pertinent information.
8. Calculate as many ratios as possible for this company for the year 2020.
9. Compare the ratios of the two companies.
a. Explain in detail the meaning of the ratios.
b. Explain why one company is in a better financial position than the other.
10. Explain in which company you would invest and why.
Note: Do include the financial statements that you used to calculate the ratios. Please write down below the companies you have chosen and send me the print screen of the financial statement which you did the calculate of the ratios.